Richard Tatterton Richard Tatterton

Teaching Practice 2
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will begin to learn how to use the prepositions: From, in and near. The students will work through a controlled grammar based activity, to semi controlled PW grammar speaking practise where they will focus in on their speaking skills and practice their speaking fluency.


Abc Global Elementary
Abc Istanbul Map

Main Aims

  • To highlight and practise prepositions of place in the context of cities and countries by using guided discovery based teachıng techniques.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop students fluency talking about their background and heritage using a rotating PW speaking activity.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage Ss

T will use a map of Istanbul for the introduction to this lesson. T will tack the map on the WB and ask the students if they can find where we are on the map. T will ask the Ss to come close to the board and point out the location on the map. T will use this opportunity to ask the Ss to point out where they live on the map and ask key focus questions such as "How far is that from Levant?" or "Is it near Sultan Ahmed?"

Preparation Stage (5-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with a written record of the target language

T will hand out to the Ss the transcript of the listening passage from the previous lesson asking them to underline sentences within the passage with the prepostions of place (from, in and near) in them, ideally this could be a good PW activity. T will then write on the board the words - From, in and near, T will ask the students if they can use the transcript to find out how these words are used within the passage. T will elicit ideas from the Ss and brainstorm ideas and other related words on the WB. T will check comprehension using CCQ's such as "Am in England?" and "Are we near Taksim?"

Controlled Practice - ex1 pg,139 + pg, 19 (5-7 minutes) • To test Ss comprehension of key grammar focus.

T will hand out the activities to the Ss and ask them to work through the activities individually. T will monitor the Ss as they do this excercise by walking around the room and checking the Ss progress. T will ask the Ss to check their answers with a partner and FB will be given as WC.

Preparation Stage for rotating PW activity (3-5 minutes) • To brainstorm ideas for this speaking activity

T will ask the students to think about people they know such as friends or relatives. T will elicit from the Ss what kind of questions we might ask to each other to found out information about these people, such as "Where is he/she from?" T will write these questions on the board. T will explain that we are going to do a pairwork activity and use these questions for the activity.

Freer Practice - Rotating PW (15-20 minutes) • To provide free speaking practice

T will number the Ss 1 or 2 accordingly. T will instruct all numbers 2's to stand and move their chairs to face a student who has been numbered 1. T will tell the students they have 3 mins to speak to the student facing them asking each other in turn about themselves using the questions on the board as prompts if needed. When the 3 mins are over T instructs all number 2's to stand and move one place to the left, this should ensure that everyone has a new partner. Ss will repeat the same activity with their new partner. This repetition will help build speaking fluency. T should be monitoring this activity by walking around the room listening, to check Ss are on task and encourage quieter Ss to speak. This activity can go on until the students numbered 2 have made a complete rotation back around to the original partnering number 1. T will use ICQ's such as "Are we doing a writing activity or a speaking activity?" and "Are we talking to the person next to us or to the person in front of us?" to check that the Ss have understood the task they have been set.

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with Feedback on errors made in the free speaking activity.

T will ask Ss how they used the prepositions of place (From, in and near) in the free speaking activity to recap on the grammar focus and make corrections where necessary.

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