Reading 3: Finding the Ideal Job
FAE II level
Main Aims
To provide practice on reading for gist and details in the context of "Finding the Ideal Job".
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy in speaking in the context of "Finding the Ideal Job".
Procedure (65-84 minutes)
Students are asked to write down as many jobs as they know on small pieces of paper. This brainstorming activity will be done as a whole class activity with students placing the papers in a bag. Teacher randomly picks out a paper and ellicits pronunciation of the job written on the paper to check students’ pronunciation. Teacher writes the question: "What should you have/do to be “the job name”?on the board. Students are asked to give at least three qualifications for each job. Teacher writes the question: “What should you do to find your ideal job?”. Students answer as a whole class discussion.
Students are divided to two groups. One group has a set of words and the other group has the meanings of these words. Each student is asked to find a partner with the matching correct meaning. Words and their meanings will be posted on board. Teacher will do drilling on the pronunciation of the given words. Students are then asked to complete the exercise in the handouts p. 30-31. Answer key is provided to students on a PowerPoint slide to correct the exercise.
Students are asked to read the passage on p. 32-33. Students are asked to complete exercises on p. 33-34. Students are then asked to discuss their answers in pairs before they are given the answers to self-correct from a PowerPoint slide. Teacher discusses corrections in a whole class discussion.
Students are asked to complete the exercise on p. 34. Students are then asked to discuss their answers in pairs before they are asked to give their answers to the teacher.
Students are shown a slide of a flower diagram taken from the book "What Color Is Your Parachute?" The diagram contains 7 different kinds of preferences. Students are asked to write down all their preferences on a piece of paper. Students will be divided into three groups to discuss their choices and take turns asking eachother questions. Each student will be assigned one kind of preference to ask to the group. The teacher monitors students during the activity and gives w/c feedback after the activity stressing the correct pronunciation of certain words that were mispronounced during the activity.