Tahere Shamohammadi Tahere Shamohammadi

READING (short sleepers or long sleepers, which is healthier?)


This task is designed to elaborate on the reading passage of the lesson in 3 phases including 1. pre-reading, 2. while-reading and 3. post reading. Students discuss question related to their daily life in phase 1, skim for the gist and scan for specific details in phase 2 and the task is concluded with a free activity in post-reading phase.


Abc Over Head Projector
Abc Board and marker
Abc Exercise 1a (Cutting Edge (PI book))
Abc Exercise 2a (Cutting Edge (PI book))
Abc Pictures and questions
Abc Exercise 2a (Cutting Edge (PI book))

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about 'Short sleepers' or 'long sleepers?' in the context of referring to a doctor's life

Subsidiary Aims

  • 1.To provide definition of blocking vocabulary 2. To conduct situation for recognition and use of simple present tense


Greeting and small talk (2-3 minutes) • To build rapport

Teacher greets the class and ask how students feel.

Warm up / Lead in (8-10 minutes) • 1. To stimulate students mentally, to orient class positively 2. to pre-teach blocking vocabulary of the reading passage during the class dicussion

1. Teacher shows some pictures with written questions next to each picture. 2. Teacher gives some one minute to students in order to set their minds or take notes about the question. 3. Teachers asks students to share their ideas about the question. 4. Teacher gives feedback on content. 5. Teacher elicits blocking words using students' speech 6. Teacher teaches blocking words based on MPF. ICQS: a. Are you going to think and take notes at first? b. How much time to think? b. Are you going to share ideas in groups or in class? CCQs: a. Does a 'short sleeper' sleep for a short amount of time? b. Does a 'long sleeper’ sleep for a long amount of time? c. Are 'advantages' good points of something? d. Is invitation something new? e. Is 'personality' someone's character? f. Are you physically strong or week when you are healthy?

Pre-Reading (5-8 minutes) • 1. To sustain students' interest toward the topic 2. To prepare students for the reading and to make it accessible.

1. Teacher divides class into 4 groups of three. 2. Students take a look at exercise 1a and choose two of them. 3. They discuss questions in their groups (4 minutes). 3. A person voluntarily report group mates' answers in each group. 4. Teacher gives feedback on content. ICQs; a. Are you going to discuss question in exercise 1a? b. How many questions to discuss? c Are you going to take notes or discuss in groups? c. How much time?

While-Reading (skimmimg) (1-3 minutes) • To provide students with a general question for skimming

1. Teacher write the topic of the reading as the skim question : (Which one is healthier? a. a short sleeper b. a long sleeper c. no definite type ) 2. Teacher tells student to skim the text and choose the correct options. (1 minuet) 3. Students should announce their answers 4. Teacher gives feedback on the correct option. ICQs: a. Are you going to read the text carefully? b. Are you going to look for the gist? c. Are you going to choose on correct option? D. How much time?

While-Reading (Scanning) (5-7 minutes) • To provide more challenging detailed questions for scanning.

1. Teacher asks students to take a brief look at question 2a. 2. Students scan the text to answer each statement is true or false (3 minutes). 3. Students check their answers in their groups. 4. Teacher gives feedback on students answer in class. ICQs: a. Are you going to define the words? b. Are you going to scan all the details or just the details in statements? c. How much time for scanning? d. Do you check your answers in groups?

Post-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To construct opportunity to share their personal habits and sleeping type and activate their learning

1. Students think about their sleeping habit and which type their are 'long sleeper or short sleeper' and they take notes in one minute. 2. Students stand up and mingle around and share their ideas with friends(teacher monitors) 3.When teacher claps they change their partners. 4.Student report some of their friends' sleeping habits and type in class and for teacher. 5. Teacher gives feedback on content 6.Teacher gives feedback on language (any errors or mistakes she recorded during class procedure) ICQs; a. How much time to thinks? b. Are you going to take notes? c. Are you going to share your habit and ype with friends? d. Are you going to change partners when teacher claps? e.Are you going to report ideas in class?

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