Ebru Alsan Ebru Alsan

Eating in or Out/ Countable-Uncountable Nouns
Elementary, A2 level


In this lesson, students will learn about countable-uncountable nouns in the context of eating in or out. They will also learn about some quantifiers such as 'some', 'any', 'a lot of'. This is followed by a listening exercise where they will practice the quantifiers. Finally, students will have a freer practice about what they liked and didn't like as a young child.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of countable and uncountable nouns with quantifiers in the context of food and drink

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information in listening and fluency in speaking in the context of the food and drink we liked when we were a child.


Lead In (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the topic and make it interesting for the students.

T talks about the foods she liked and disliked as a young child and asks students what they liked and disliked.

Matching Pictures (8-10 minutes) • To elicit and teach the target vocabulary and countable - uncountable nouns

T asks Ss to match the foods with the pictures and check their answers in pairs. T monitors when they are on the task. W/C F/B T uses some items to give examples for countable and uncountable nouns: Broccoli is awful, apples are good. T elicits some other forms from Ss and gets them to complete ex.3 in pairs. T monitors and picks up answers for whole class feedback. When Ss are done, T nominates Ss to check the answers

Presentation of 'some, any and a lot of' (8-10 minutes) • To teach the usage of 'some, any and a lot of' with countable and uncountable nouns.

T projects some sentences on the board with 'some, any and a lot of' and asks them some questions to elicit how we use these quantifiers: Is it a countable or uncountable noun? Is it a question or affirmative?, so we use some in ...... etc. (Please check language analyis sheet) T models and drills the pronunciation of the sentences and gives example for substitution drilling. Then T tells the words for substitution drilling and Ss drill the sentences.

Listening- Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To practice quantifiers

T tells Ss to complete the task in their handouts with 'some' 'any' and 'a lot of' in pairs. Then T plays the audio for Ss to check their answers. T asks Ss to continue conversation by talking about themselves. T monitors and picks up points for WC feedback.

controlled practice (5-6 minutes) • To practice quantifiers in a certain context.

T gives handouts to the Ss. T explains that they are going to work in pairs to describe what they see in their handouts. T tells that there are eight differences between pictures. T monitors and picks up points for whole class feedback.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To practice target structure.

T divides Ss into two groups to play a game. T tells them one person from each group is going to pick words out of the bag and decide whether it is count or non-count and they are going to make up a sentence with the word as a group. T scores the group with the right choice of the word and the right sentence. If the sentence is hopeless, T turns to the other group for the right answer. T monitors and gives feedback on good use and errors.

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