Souad Cherifi Souad Cherifi

vovabulary / grammar lesson,countable and uncountable nouns
elementary level


In this lesson,pupils are going to deal with countable and uncountable nouns.they will learn how to deffirenciate between plural and singular in food items.


Abc handouts-pictures-teacher's course book

Main Aims

  • to enable learners to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns and even the use of any and some.

Subsidiary Aims

  • learners will be aware of using the correct words to define quantity.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • to focus the learners attentions on what they are going to deal with in the lesson.

prepare a number of simple words that are used for food.A good idea to use international food words like:pizza-pasta-burger-cola-cornflakes.these words can either be written on the bord or on a handout. put students into groups and ask them to unscramble the anagrams.Once they have finished,ask students which ones they like and which ones they dislike.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1.Focus students' attention in the photos on page 52-53. 2.Ask students if there is anything there that they particularly like or don't like.Students match the photos to the words in the box.they check in pairs and then a class.

Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

draw the table on the board.Point to the picture of the tomatoes and ellicit how many are there?Do the same with the olive oil and show how I can count the bottle,but I can't count the oil.Add tomatoes to the countable column and olive oil to the uncountable column. students continue individually to complete the table and then check in pairs. students listen and check.Add the words to the appropriate columns on the board . point out that uncountable nouns do not have plural form. Drill the pronunciation of the words especially "cheese","sandwich" and" biscuits". Elicit one or two words and ask the class which column they should go in. students work individually to add more words to the columns.They check in pairs and then as a class.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students listen to the sentences and answer true or false. 6.2 p 53 grammar:1.Elicit from the students the different forms of the verb "to be"in the present. write the two first examples on the board.Ask students which one is singular and which one is plural.Elicit which form of the verb "to be" is correct. write on the board:there......some water and remind pupils that water is uncountable. show the students that we use the singular verb "is" when the noun is uncountable. "Some" and "any" saying that some is usually found in positive sentences and any in negative ones and questions.1 p53

Semi-Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

give a couple of examples of true or false sentences about the photos and ask the students to correct the false ones.Students then write their own true or false sentences.b.p53

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

direct students to page 135.Tell the students that a woman called "Heather"is having a picnic with her friends.Give students two minutes to remember as many things as possible,without taking notes. model the conversation with a student.Students work in pairs to try to remember the food items.Circulate and encourage students to ask yes/no questions.

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