Ayşe Akdaş Ayşe Akdaş

The Best Things Lesson
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about the gerund-infinitive through guided discovery based on a reading text about the best things in life. The lesson starts with brainstorming related to things that make people happy. This is followed by a text through which students find out the results of a survey on the same topic. Finally, students do a survey in the class to gather data on what their classmates consider as the best things in each category mentioned in the reading text. Homework can be assigned to make a presentation about their survey results.


Abc Unit 11
Abc A sheet to take notes on

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about the best things in life in the context of happiness

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a dialogue in the context of the best things in life


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher greets the students and explains the lesson objective and outcomes (Objective: Speaking and reading about the best things in life). (Outcome: They will be able to carry out a survey by the end of the lesson). T tells the stds to go to page 96 and then starts the lesson by attracting their attention to the title and the photos on the pages 96 and 97. T asks them which activities they can see on the pages and what activities that make a person happy they can think of. (Playing a musical instrument, playing football, reading a book, spending time with their pet, spending time with their family, spending time doing their job, etc.) T writes what stds can come up with on the board when eliciting ideas.

Pre-reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming task through speaking

T tells them to do Exercise 2-A on page 96, pairs the stds and sets the time limit.

While Reading (8-10 minutes) • To compare their ideas with the text by reading for gist. To find out detailed information regarding the text.

T tells them to do Exercise 2-B and sets the time limit (Read the article. How many of your ideas were the same as the results of a research? Maximum 5 mins). When they finish reading for gist, t asks whether they could see any similar ideas in the text or not so as to check comprehension. Next, T tells them to do Exercise 3 on page 96 to read for detailed information, and sets the time limit (Read the article again and do the True/False exercise, maximum 5 mins). When they finish, teacher checks the answers.

Post Reading (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skill - speaking

T hands out a sheet which they will use to take notes of their friends' answers to carry out a survey on the best things in life, and arranges the seating (4 mins). 6 students sit next to each other and 6 chairs are put exactly opposite those students who are sitting next to each other. There should be 4 lines of 6 chairs, two of those will sit still and the other two will regularly move one chair when the teacher tells it is time to move. T tells the moving students to ask questions and take notes of their friends' answers (8 mins). When they finish, this time those who have sat still will be the ones who will move and repeat the activity to carry out a survey (8 mins). Eventually, each student will have interviewed 12 students.

Homework (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T tells them to do Exercise 1 on page 97 at home, and requests them to take a video of their presentation giving information about their survey results, and tells them that their presentation should include the targeted vocabulary in Exercise 1 on page 97.

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