Vocabulary about Health Problems
upper-intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of ilnesses in the context of sympathy and advice
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of illnesses
Procedure (45-59 minutes)
Students talk about the common illnesses that happens with them. Teacher passes 2 sets of word cards with a total of 12 cards. Each card has a part of the phrases. Each student will get a card then find and sit next to a partner whose card matches his/her card.
Teacher shows pictures of people with different diseases. T elicits the body part that has been hurt and the kind of injury. Students write the target language beneath the pictures. T erases the target language and drills it. Students then change their partner if there are any mistake. Students work in pairs to read the conversations on p. 34 and decide what is wrong with each conversation.
Students work in pairs to complete the friends' final sentences with the suitable advice. T reminds the students of the use of should.
Students listen to the recording and see if the advice is close to theirs. Then, they have a discussion whether they tried the treatments and whether they are helpful.
Students work individually to mark the sentences S or U, according to being sympathetic or not. They do peer-checking after that. Students then listen to the recording and try to copy the stress to show sympathy.
Students work in pairs taking turns to read the problems on p. 138 and act sympathetically or unsympathetically to their partner.
T divides the students into 2 groups. Students work in their groups to create situations of bad health. Each group reacts sympathetically and tries to give advice.