Amira Akmal Amira Akmal

Sixth-grade / A-Class. level


This lesson plan is prepared for practicing reading at 00000 School of Foreign Languages. The target group of the lesson plan is 6th-grade students with an intermediate English language level. The lesson main goal is practicing skimming and scanning. Both the listening and speaking skills are integrated into the lesson.


Abc Videos, PPT, Pictures, Markers, Student Book and Practice Book.
Abc Computer, data projector and worksheets are needed. Worksheets can be found in the file.

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about Emojis.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Solve a problem which is connected to the text using group discussion
  • Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using contextual clues. Read for gist. Identify specific details.
  • Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using contextual clues. Read for gist. Identify specific details. Act out the meaning of pictures connected to the text.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context , engage students and introduce the learning outcomes.

The students are going to watch a 30 seconds video about emojis. ( A CD is included to the file with all the videos in it) After watching the teacher is going to collect a few of the Ss ideas about the video. The students are going to be asked about their favorite emoji to help them personalize and relate to the topic. The teacher is going to ask: Did you know that there's a World Emoji Day? ( Students should answer with yes or no) then the teacher will introduce the topic through the following statement (Well, there is ... and it's on July 17th!) and view a picture related to the World Emoji Day. After that, the T is going to introduce the outcomes of the lesson through the following statement (Well ... First let`s read today`s objectives.) Then the teacher should let one or more Ss read the objectives aloud to the class. (each student should read aloud a different objective)

Pre-Reading (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher is going to introduce task one. The students are going to work in pairs to match words with their definitions. Both the words and definitions are going to be read aloud to the class by the Ss. The T will hand out the worksheets after checking the students` understanding of the instructions by asking the Ss about the steps and the time expected. The students are going to share their answers with different pairs. Then the T will collect and check their answers using PTT and provide the Ss with feedback. 15 seconds cheering up video with emojis is going to be played for the students as a positive reinforcement. The task aim is to activate the students prior-knowledge and to familiarize the students with important/ common terms related to the text.

While-Reading (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist questions to answer.

Task two: the Ss need to answer true or false questions. Students are going to work individually while reading. The task aim is to help the students improve their skimming skills using gist questions. The worksheets are going to be handed out after checking the students` understanding of the instructions by asking them to summarize them For example, the Ss` answer is expected to be ( individually - true or false - 7 mins) The teacher will remind the students that they need to read the questions and look for their answers quickly through the text. Then the Ss are going to share their answers in pairs. After that Ss are going to read the statements and provide the answers aloud to the class. The teacher will collect the students` answers and provide them with feedback using the PTT slides. Clapping sounds and smiley faces are displayed to the students, in order to provide them with positive reinforcement.

While-Reading 2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading tasks

Task three: The students need to match a group of dates with their descriptions. Ss are going to work individually. The worksheets are going to be handed out after the instructions checking. The teacher is going to choose one of the students to repeat the instructions aloud to the class. The student`s expected answer is (work individually - match the dates with the descriptions - the time is 7 mins). Ss are going to share their answers in pairs. Then read the statements and provide the answers to the T and the whole class. The teacher will collect the Ss` answers then display the correct answers and provide feedback using PTT slides. A picture of a happy emoji with praise from the teacher will be provided as a positive reinforcement. The task aim is to improve the Ss` scanning skills using a detailed reading task.

Post-Reading (7-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Task four: Ss are going to discuss different focus-points connected to the text as groups. After providing the students with instructions the teacher is going to check the student understanding of them as the following: T: work? S: groups T: Task? S: hold a group discussion T: Time? S:7 mins. After that, each group is going to discuss the questions provided in the task. Then the groups are going to share their answers with the class. The teacher is going to monitor and give feedback. At the end of the activity, a funny video about emojis is going to be used as a closure. Task aim: Ss will respond to the text by using critical thinking skills to solve a problem. Note: The teacher is going to divide the students into 3 groups by asking them to choose an emoji card, students with matching emojis are going to work together. All the emojis used to group the students carry a positive meaning to maintain a positive atmosphere and to avoid causing any embarrassment for the Ss. The groups are named after the emojis (happy, strong and dancing).

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