Copy of Grammar/ Simple Present Tense( I like ......../I don't like........../me too / me neither)
Beginners, A1 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and enough review and practice of TL(like/don't like, me too, me neither)
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist, specific information and detailed listening and fluency speaking skills activities(comprehension and production)
Procedure (37-45 minutes)
T will start the lesson with daily greetings first(Hi,class!/How are you today?What about the weather today?I like sunny weather,I don't like rainy weather!)with his/her mimes,gestures and body language using his/her fingers and hands and elicits sts recognize the model sentences(I like/I don't like).After T gets feedback from sts,she/he puts some pictures on WB such as( an ice-cream,cheese, different sports -volleyball,tennis,football,etc.......) Then T writes down some sentences on WB. She/he gives some examples of herself/himself then allows sts fill in the gaps. E.g. I....................volleyball I............ ..................cheese. I................ T focuses the positive and negative meaning,the form and pronounciation of like-don't like phrases by underlining on WB. Then T puts the pictures of the characters from the course book and makes speech bubbles next to them on WB and elicits sts who they are,what they like or don't like,what they do and don't and later on she/he starts to read aloud the sentence patterns from the course book(exercise 1a sentence patterns)to take the sts's attention to ''like,don't like'' for a quick review and an entrance to the listening part.
Before she plays Audio Track,T elicits sts what they gonna do with her/his mimes and gestures and then has ICQ. T plays a small talk between Emma and André on CD Track(from the course book) about what they do or don't and what they like and don't like.T allows sts recognize the listening text and TL in it and discuss in pairs. A small talk on Audio Track 1.62: A: I don't like sport.I don't watch football matches,I don't play football.I read the newspaper,but I don't read the sports pages.I just don't like sport. E:I really like sport.I like football.I don't play it,but I watch it and I go to football matches often.
T shows sts HOs and tries to make them excited and elicits them what to do for the next stage with his/her mimes and gestures and some face expressions. T mimes listening and writing activities and highlights TL by showing the pictures of the characters and writing headings ''I like,I don't like''and then gives their HOs and also signals them to work in pairs or in groups of 3 or 5. After then T has his/her ICQ. E.g.You...............(listen and write) Together or alone? After listening,T allows sts recognize and write on their HOs who says what and check each other.Then T starts to take their answers one by one and puts the photocopied sentences same as in the listening text on WB and makes sts match the right sentences with the right characters.During this section,T highlights again the context and TL focusing on the characters and the sentence patterns on WB.
T puts (-) and (+) on WB and then writes some headings'' I like.........'' ,''I don't like..........'',''I play tennis'' '' I don't play tennis''.Later on T allows sts estimate what they gonna do(T imitates listening) and then has his/her ICQ. After listening,she/he makes sts recognize the sentence patterns that they've heard and classify them by writing on WB. (Revision and practice of the meaning,form and pronounciation of the taught grammar)
T draws a cat picture on WB and tells them '' I like cats'' and writes her sentence on WB. and then asks sts ''How about you?'' She/he tries to take some feedback from the sts about who like cats or not by asking some questions and then picks up a student who doesn't like a cat to write down the negative form of ''like'' with his/her opinion. Then T writes down '' yes'' next to the ''like'' sentences and ''no'' next to the ''don't like''sentences.T then does the same thing within the sentences ''I play tennis/I don't play tennis.'' After then T makes sts put their attention on their HOs with his/her mimes and gestures and elicits sts what to do and has his/her ICQ. T: you ............(look) and...............(read)and.............(write) T: Listen or read? S:Read! T:(T imitates reading) If yes,(imitates writing)................(write)YES! If no,....................(write) NO! and I ................. ................(don't watch/etc.......)(using his/her face expressions,gestures and mimes) T leads sts work in pairs and check each other then. Finally,T has a round up and has CCQ: T: Do you like cats,Kenan? K: Yes,I like cats. T: Do you play the piano,Kadriye? K: No,I don't play the piano.
T writes down ''me-don't-neither-too'' on WB and underlines them with a colored marker and elicits sts what they mean.Then T allows sts listen Audio Track 1.64 and recognize the sentence patterns and makes them fill in the gaps by pausing after each one and then check each other in pairs.Then T asks wandering around the class telling;''I like dogs.How about you? S:Yes,me too./No,I don't like dogs. T:I read a magazine.S:No,me neither. Later,she writes ''yes+yes=me too and no+no=neither'' as a formula. She/he chooses some sts coming face to face and have a dialogue between them using the taught grammar above.
T makes sts stand up and mingle around the classroom finding a partner by greeting each other and having a conversation. (Free practice of TL) Before the activity,T chooses two sts first coming face to face and having their HOs in their hands( their answers from exercise 2) to make a dialogue btw. them asking and telling each other. Student A: I like..........How about you? Student B:Yes me too/Yes,I like......../No,I don't like ............... Student A: I speak English.How about you? Student B: Yes,me too. Student A: I don't play guitar.How about you? Student B:No,me neither. T has monitoring and helps the sts check their answers and if they are same or not.She/he also elicits sts recognize whether they have same answers or not.