Busra Sanli Busra Sanli

Teaching Practice 3
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students practise expressing agreement & disagreement in the context of internet dating.


Abc Handout
Abc Worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for expressing agreement & disagreement in the context of internet dating

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of internet dating


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and get students interested in the topic

T: "In the previous lesson, you discussed internet dating. Do you remember the girl's name? Ok, how many men did Jackie talk to? Which man did she like most? Why?" T elicits the most important answer "they found sth in common" from the Ss.

Exposure & Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To expose students to the target language in context through a text

T shows the handout and says: "This is the written form of the listening texts that you did in the previous lesson. As groups, look at the texts and focus on the bold expressions. You have 4 minutes." T asks ICQs; * Are you working alone or as groups? (as groups) * What are you doing? (focus on the bold expressions) * How many minutes do you have? (4 minutes)

Clarification (15-17 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T: "Now, you are going to learn more about the expressions with these." T shows the worksheet and gives the instruction: "Again with the same groups, you are going to discuss the questions and answer them in 3 minutes." T asks one of the Ss: "What are you going to do?" T draws a chart on the board to use it later in the last part of this stage. T uses the guided discovery worksheet (ex.A) to give feedback. T focuses the Ss on the meaning by asking CCQs; * Is person B saying "it's the same for me" or "it's different for me"? (It's the same for me) * Does it mean that you agree with the statement? (Yes) * When do we use "So"? (When we agree with a positive statement) * When do we use "Nor"? (When we agree with a negative statement) T uses the guided discovery worksheet (ex.B) to give feedback. T focuses the Ss on the instruction and elicits the correct answer ("it's different for me"). T asks "Does it mean that you disagree with that? (yes)". T: "Do you have any questions? (If the Ss ask any questions, T explains. If they don't, T continues). Let's practise. This time, in pairs, firstly decide which expression you will stick to where and then stick them to correct place." After sticking is over, T does not give feedback. T shows a handout and says "This is the answer key. I am going to give each pair one and in pairs, check your answers in 2 minutes. Focus on the forms." T asks ICQs; * What are you going to do? (check the answers) * Individually or in pairs? (in pairs) * What are you going to focus on? (the forms) * How many minutes do you have? (2 minutes) T asks if the Ss have any questions. Later, T nominates the Ss and asks "Why do we use "do" here? Why do we use "don't" here?, ...." To focus the Ss on pronunciation, T points at the mark that shows the stress and asks "What does it show us? (stress)" T models and drills all the expressions on the board.

Controlled Practice (9-11 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T: "Let's see how much you understood. I am going to give you another worksheet. Individually, in 4 minutes, write two responses to each sentence." and T demonstrates what to do with the first question via PPT. T: "Now compare your answers with your pairs. You have 2 minutes." T asks one of the students to say what they are going to do. T gets the answers and shows the correct answers one by one via PPT.

Semi-Controlled & Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To further consolidate the target language and allow for production

T: "And now it's time to produce! In 3 minutes, individually, write 6 sentences about you. Start your sentences with the phrases here (T shows the worksheet). For example, I love tennis." T asks ICQs; * What are you going to do? (write 6 sentences) About? (me) * Individually or in pairs? (individually) * How many minutes do you have? (3) T: "Stand up please. Find a partner quickly." T: "Take turns and say your sentence to your partner. One sentence. Your partner is going to say if it's the same or different for him/her. 5 minutes." T demonstrates with a student and asks ICQs and writes the answers on the board; * What are you going to do? * How many minutes do you have? (5 minutes)

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