TP2 Vocabulary Plan
Upper Intermediate level


This lesson is basically a vocabulary lesson in the context of local environment. It provides students some vocabulary about the sorts of areas in lead-in and clarification stages. It enables students to learn some collocations in the context of local environment survey through listening and clarification. This lesson also enables students to improve their writing and speaking skills by describing their local area as post-activity.


Abc UpperInt TP2 Material Student Copy
Abc Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Main Aims

  • To provide students with clarification / review and practice of lexis and collocations about the local environment in the context of a local area survey.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with collocations and practice in listening.
  • To provide the students with practice in speaking for fluency.
  • To provide students with writing practice of describing your local area.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Set the context of local environment in Karabük. Encourage students to work in pairs and discuss the words about the sorts of areas for two minutes. Monitor them and elicit a few words that they seem to have problems in meaning/ pronunciation. Ask them to work in pairs and talk about what sort of area they live in Karabük for two minutes. Monitor and help when they need.

Clarification 1 - sorts of area (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Clarify the meaning of the words in the box in ex. 1 by showing some pictures about the sorts of area that they are familiar in lead-in stage. Ask them match pictures with the words in the box in ex. 1. Ask for examples (e.g. a residential area in Karabük) to check their understanding. Elicit part of speech. Drill the words and highlight correct stress.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Use the listening task in ex. 2 to check students’ understanding further. Ask students to listen to three people in the 3.30-minute-survey about local area and complete the table. After listening, ask them to compare their answers in pairs. Then, show the answer key on the smart board and ask them to check their answers. Elicit some words to check their understanding.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Focus on the first 10 initially and check if learners have any problems with any of the items before they match. Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the first ten items for two minutes. Monitor them and elicit a few words that they seem to have problems in meaning/ pronunciation. Repeat the same for the second list. Elicit the form (adj+noun collocations). Ask them to complete the collocations with the words in the boxes and then compare them with their partners. Give the answers on the smart board and ask them to check the answers.

Clarification 2 - collocations (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Clarify the meaning of the collocations by showing photos, asking CCQs and asking for extra examples in their local areas. Model and drill to highlight which item in each collocation is stressed and pronounced . Use the 2-minute-audio in the book to show stress and pronunciation and ask them to repeat the collocations.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ask them to write a short paragraph describing their local area to a visitor icluding type of building, where they live, what they like, problems by using the words/collocations in ex.1 and 3 for four minutes. Then ask them to make small groups and switch papers with other group members to evaluate how accurate the descriptions are for two minutes. Next, ask them to talk about their evaluations for another two minutes. Monitor and give feedback on the accurate use of target language.

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