TP 6
Elementary level


In this class, students will listen to a recording about a hotel for gist and detail. They will fill in the blanks in a dialogue. They will ask for permission using "can, could, may".


Abc Ordering Handout
Abc I-pad
Abc Laptop&Projector
Abc Pictures
Abc Speakers
Abc Straightforward SB

Main Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about staying at a hotel in the context of travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of asking for permission.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets the students. T projects some pictures on the board. (Shakespeare, London, a hotel, a cottage house, breakfast) T asks SS to discuss in pairs about the pictures. T asks CCQs. - Who is the man? Where do you think he is from? Is he American? - Which city is that? Where can you see double deckers? Can you see them in Istanbul? - Is this a modern hotel? Is it old fashioned? SS discuss in pairs. T sets the time to 2 minutes. T monitors and helps SS to come up with ideas. T elicits the answers from the SS. T explains that all the pictures are related to England and they will listen to a recording about a hotel in England.

Pre-Reading/Listening (7-9 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T shows two different hotel room pictures. One of them is an old fashioned typical hotel room and the other one is a luxurious modern room. T asks SS to predict which hotel room the people will prefer. SS discuss in pairs about their choices. T asks SS to explain their choices.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

T asks "Which hotel do they visit?" SS listen to the recording for gist without the handout. SS discuss in pairs and share their ideas. T elicits the answer from the students.

While-Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

T explains that SS will listen to four dialogues. SS match the dialogues with the signs. T points to the signs and asks SS to read them loud. T checks if SS are familiar with the vocabulary. CCQs - If you stay at a hotel, you are a .......... (guest) - beware of the dog! (stressing "beware") - take (miming, taking a pencil from the table) - baggage means suitcase. (recycling previous lesson vocabulary) SS listen to the recording and match the signs with the dialogues. SS peer check their answers. T elicits the answers from the SS. T writes the answers on the board to avoid any confusion. SS listen to the same recording, this time to complete the missing words. T points to the vocabulary box first, then points to the blanks. T explains that each word goes to a blank. T checks understanding through ICQs. - Can you use the same word twice/two times? No - How many words are there in the box? 10 -How many blanks are there? 10 - Can I write "sorry" two times? No SS listen to the recording and fill in the blanks. SS discuss their answers with their partner. T asks SS to act out the dialogue. T writes the correct answers on the board.

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks: "Can I use your phone?" "May I open a window?" "Could I borrow your pencil?" "Is it ok if I call you tonight?" T emphasis the stress and intonation and SS drill the sentences. T goes over the affirmative and negative answers. SS drill the responds. (Of course, Sure, Go ahead, I'm sorry, I'm afraid not) T elicits the form from the SS. T writes the form on the board. T gives the unjumbling activity to the SS. (adopted material) T explains that SS need to put the words in the correct order to ask questions. T checks understanding through ICQs. - Are these questions? Yes - Are they in the correct order? No SS work in pairs and complete the activity. T monitors and helps SS when necessary. T elicits the answers from the SS and writes the questions on the board. SS role play a conversation. T explains that one S will be guest at the hotel and the other one will be the receptionist. Student A will use the ideas on page 132. Student B will use the ideas on page 138. T demonstrates the first sentence. T assigns the roles and monitors the activity. T makes corrections if the form is not correctly used.

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