TP 5
Elemantary level


In this lesson, SS will be able to predict ideas and discuss about travel. They will be able to list for gist and detail. Finally, they will be able to tell about their own holiday experiences.


Abc Straightforward SB
Abc Straighforward WB
Abc Pictures
Abc Laptop&Projector

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about travel essentials

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travel using the target vocabulary.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To introduce myself and set lesson context and engage students

T introduces herself and asks SS to introduce their partners. T demonstrates. "I'm Ceylan. I'm from Istanbul. I'm a teacher." T encourages SS to introduce their partners using teacher's demonstration. "This is _______. He/She is from _______. He/She is a/an _______." T shows some exotic holiday pictures from Ipad. T elicits the topic of the lesson. "travel" T explains that SS will go on a holiday and asks them to write 5 items with a partner. T encourages SS through CCQs and lets them come up with the related vocabulary. "What do you like to read on the beach?" - a book "How do you check your email?" - a laptop "How do you take photos?" a camera "How do you listen to music?" an Ipod "How do you call your parents?" a mobile phone "What do you need to get on the plane?" a plane ticket "How do you know about the best places in a city?" a guidebook "What do you need when the lights go out?" - torch SS check their item with their pairs. T elicits the words from the SS.

Vocabulary teach (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and teach the vocabulary

T projects the book on the board. (page;56 - ex:1) T asks SS to refer back to the vocabulary in lead-in. SS focus on the suitcase picture and label the items. SS peer check the answers. T checks the answers as a whole class. SS drill the words. T emphasizes on the stress and the number of syllables on each word. T asks CCQs to remind the meaning of some of the difficult vocabulary. T asks SS to close their books and to write all the words they can remember. T sets the time to one minute. T asks ICQs. - Can you look at your books? No - How many minutes do you have? One - Are you writing the words? Yes When time is up, T asks how many words they can remember. SS check their lists with a partner.

Pre-Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with the target vocabulary and let them use them in a context.

T asks "Let's imagine we are going on holiday to a big city. Where shall we go?" T elicits different city names from the SS and asks why they want to go there. T tells "Ok, we are going to Paris, but we can only take 5 things". T asks ICQs. - Where are we going? To Paris - How many items can we take? 5 T projects the useful language box on the board and demonstrates the first sentence. T says "I think the passport is a good idea because we are going to a different country." and asks "Do you agree?" T writes 1-5 on the board so SS know how many items they can come up with. ICQ - How many items can you take with you? - 5 SS talk to their partners and practice the useful language box. T projects the picture on the board. (page 56, ex: 1) SS look at ex: 1 and predict who packed the bags. T mimes the word "pack" by putting things in her bag. T asks "Who thinks Mrs Thompson packed the bags? Mr Thompson?" T elicits the answers and writes them on the board.

Listening (14-16 minutes) • To listen for gist and detailed information.

SS listen to the recording for gist. R1.78 T elicits the answer. "Who packed the bags?" SS predict "What do you think Mrs. Thompson packed in the bags?" T hands out the list of items. SS listen to the recording and tick the items packed in the bag. SS peer check and a whole class feedback is conducted. SS listen to the recording one more time, this time a bit louder. T explains SS that they read aloud the dialogue to mimic intonation and connected speech. SS change their partners and practice the dialogue one more time. T explains that Mr and Mrs Thompson are at the airport now, but there is a problem. T asks SS to guess what the problem is. T elicits the predictions from the SS. SS listen to the recording. R1.79 SS discuss the problem with their partners. T elicits the answers from the SS.

Post-Listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks "What problems have you had at an airport? Which things to you take with you on holiday? Have you been on holiday this summer? (where did you go? What did you take? Did you fly? Drive? etc)" T encourages SS to tell about their own experiences.

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