Hend A. Elkhayyal Hend A. Elkhayyal

TP4 "I can't Dance"
Elementary Level level


In this lesson, the ss learn about " Can/Can't" Through guided plan based on a discussion after watching video show to set the context about "Stars of Arab Idol" followed by eliciting the new vocab words' meaning then drilling, answering the exercises, and finally there is some controlled practice through a verb phrases survey then a freer practice.


Abc photocopied Handouts " NEF"
Abc classsroom Stationary "Board markers, blu tack, board eraser& The projector"
Abc Audio recording (NEF Track 4.1&4.2)

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced can/can't and also some verb phrases.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practice controlled/less restricted speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher displays a video of two performers at "Arab Idol" Show; one is performing quite poorly and the other is a super performer. TT asks the ss where is she/he? what are they doing? Is it good or bad? could he/she be a pop star? Does she/he have a star quality?? why ? To elicit because he can/can't +verb

Exposure (10-20 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Read at the advertisement and look at the the photos. Who do you think has " Star Quality"? Teacher tries to elicit : I think ___ has/ star quality because he can __ (TT tries to elicit as many matching verbs as possible) by either miming/ giving the definition/ or using synonyms of : Play the guitar, dance, sing,very well, quite well, not very well. T demonstrates the listening practice (page 40 ex. B/ First 2 questions) then ss listen and complete the sentences. Ss check their answers from the answers that are distributed around the classroom walls then as a feedback, teacher asks : Who do you think is the winner? why ? Ss discuss in pairs then check their answers after listening to the audio once more.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Writing some sentences on the board after drilling them, Ss should be able to realize that can should be followed by infinitives as underlined in the given examples on the board.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Pointing at the three signs (+ - ?), the tt asks the ss what can they understand from these signs to elicit (positive, negative, and question) Referring to Jude, TT writes : Jude can play the guitar, then asks : Is it positive, negative, or a question? ten she does the same with negative and question form.

Controlled Practice (10-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

After drilling, Ss individually answer ex. D, Tt gives some concept checking questions such as: I can't play the guitar, is it positive or negative? Is it something good or bad? - Ss answer In pairs. Get the feedback from the board. After demonstrating, Ss in pairs answer the questions in ex (E) . Ss try to find any other 2 ss to answer their questions Teacher asks "what interesting things do you know about (another student) for a feedback.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Moving to ex.3A, TT tries to elicit some verb phrases by miming them and asking the students to guess what is she doing to elicit " Play a sport, take photos, draw a picture/paint a picture/ play a musical instrument and use a computer. TT drills the exercise across the classroom then she asks the ss to start practicing in pairs then they do freer practice.

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