TP8b- Third conditionals
Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of grammar of Third Conditionals in the context of regrets and changes in the past
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice of functional language(Unreal conditionals in the past) in a conversation in the context of regrets changes in the past
Procedure (35-47 minutes)
Put pics on the board.Elicit the reasons "why I couldn't get married to her".In pair Ss come up with ideas.W/c F/b.
Build up on the ideas from the previous stage and introduce " if " . let the Ss to complete the sentence.CCQs follow. Finger and substitution drill. Nominate Ss.
Write the model sentence on the board and highlight the form.Get the Ss to identify and say different parts of the sentence.Draw students' attention to the pronunciation.
Give Ss HO1. In pairs Ss answer the quetions.F/b follows
Give Ss HO2. In groups Ss complete the sentences.F/b follows
Give Ss HO3.This is a mingle activity.Ss ask and answer and fill the information.F/b follows.In pairs Ss compare their answers and use the T/L to talk about the other Ss' mistakes.