Hend A. Elkhayyal Hend A. Elkhayyal

TP3 (When Natasha Meets Darren)
Elementary Level level


By the end of this lesson, the students will have practiced some WH questions in the context of introducing oneself and making friends. Also, they should be able to practice reading for specific information and revising the present simple tense.


Abc New English File Elementary Student’s book page 19 ex. (4A) answered
Abc 2 pictures to demonstrate (online dating,and online dating agencies)
Abc answered copy of workbook page 16 exercise 1
Abc Audio recording (NEF Track 2.6)
Abc whiteboard
Abc board markers and an eraser
Abc 1 picture to demo a "Meeting People Form"
Abc New English File Elementary Student’s book page 19 ex. (4A) unanswered
Abc Projector

Main Aims

  • To provide controlled speaking practice of "WH" questions in the context of introducing oneself and making friends.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice reading for specific information and revising the present simple tense.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and generate interest in the topic.

first, the teacher (T) raises interest by displaying a picture of a male and a female. Each one is holding a screen with "love and message" signs around it to show that they do "online dating" The teacher asks the ss "How do you think they knew each other?" Do they like each other? Do they send messages to each other? Then, the teacher displays a picture of an online dating agency and asks the students to ask me as many "WH" questions as they can in order to know what this place is.

Useful Language (2-3 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

-T displays a picture of a "Meeting People Form" . She uses a number of concept checking questions to elicit the answers such as: "Do you write your name and age here?/ Do you write where you live?/ Do you know what is it called ? "What do we use it for?" to elicit " Meeting People Form" T writes it on the board. -T displays the pic of the online agency to elicit the word "interviewer" . she starts using some concept checking questions to elicit the word such as: Do you think she asks questions? how many hours you think she works per day? is she a male or a female?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

-T asks the ss to imagine that they want to meet a new partner, and they go to an agency. - T displays a picture of the " Meeting People Form" then she asks the students to look at exercise 4A and try to complete some of the missing parts in the given questions. The teacher writes down the first 3 questions on the board as a demonstration. - T distributes the handout after she chests the instructions "Now try to finish these questions in pairs" -T monitors and helps the class when necessary.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T displays the answer key on the projector so that the ss can check their answers.

Productive Task(s) (18-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to pronounce the questions correctly for the speaking activity.

-T plays the audio and she asks the ss to repeat after each question and try to copy the rhythm. -T demonstrates the speaking activity carefully (A. You want to meet a partner/ B. You are the interview ) . Then she asks the ss to work with a partner to practice Q/A. - SS change the pairs and roles. - For a further practice, T displays (workbook page 16 exercise 1) then she asks the ss to read the text carefully and decide who would be best for Aisha and why? (peer discussion)

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