Başak Başak

Module 1/ 2-2
Experienced subject teachers with no creative drama background level


This 120 minutes lesson is divided into three sections: Warm-up, role- playing and reflection. In this lesson, texts from an imaginary teacher’s blog are presented to the participants to work on the subject of “Burnout in Teachers”. Warm- up section starts with different drama games to strengthen group dynamics and trust between the participants as there are various improvisation activities. This is followed by role- play activities through the situations provided from a blog of an imaginary character, which is related to the target subject. In the entries, the character talks about why she has a blog, her burnout and gives details about its reasons. The entries will be introduced step by step. Therefore, the participants will have a chance to analyse the problem and the process. Finally, the participants are asked to share their opinions by answering reflective questions. At the end of each session, short reflections will be held. Post-test will be given to the participants.The session is planned according to the Turkish customs and traditions.


Abc Story of Gülseren
Abc Gossip Mile
Abc Role Cards
Abc Cloth and Fabric/ Costume
Abc Crayons
Abc Drawing paper
Abc White board

Main Aims

  • To provide an experience to question the reasons of teacher burnout. To provide an opportunity to discuss how to reduce the burnout in teachers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To improve communication and improvisation skills. To enhance group dynamics.


Warm up (20-22 minutes) • To provide warm up activities both for target subject and communication skills.

Before starting the session, the previous session and the techniques could be discussed and written on the board to remind the participants the significant points of improvisation. Teacher also reminds participants to be aware of the new techniques which will be used in this session. S/he asks them to be in the moment while thinking about how to modify the techniques for their own subjects. 1) Because Game: It is an oral activity to give an opportunity to make up a group story by improvising and active listening. For this activity, teacher asks participants to stand in a circle. S/he starts with a statement such as “She didn’t go to school last week.” Then s/he asks the next person in the circle to complete the statement by starting “Because…” (Because she didn’t go to school last week, she couldn’t learn the subjects of the exam.) The other person continues the statement (Because she couldn’t learn the subjects of the exam, she had to revise all the unites yesterday). And the game ends when the turn comes back to the teacher. 2) Devils and Angels: This activity is used as a warm up or an introduction of the target subject. Teacher asks participants to count up to 2. S/he asks number ones to come together and twos together. S/he says “number ones, you are the angles and twos, you are the devils of a young girl who wants to be a teacher. But she has doubts. Angles, your mission is to convince her and devils, you have to discourage her. Whichever group she goes closer, wins the game. You have 6 times, only!” 3) Teacher asks participants to make a circle around the drawing page and to prepare a poster about the possible difficulties of being a teacher... Then, they hang up the poster on a wall. Reflection… General reflection if necessary.

Role Play 1 (8-10 minutes) • To introduce the character and the problem. To introduce new drama techniques

In this session, Process Drama will be used as a main technique to work on burnout in teachers. Therefore, the process will be shaped according to the story of an imaginary teacher, Gulseren, who decides to write on a blog where she can share her experiences about being a teacher and her burnout without being questioned or judged. To build up a belief about the story, teacher pretends as if this was a true story. To analyze the character and the problems better, teacher tells participants that they will be using the technique called Role on the Wall. S/he asks one volunteered participant to draw the outline of the character’s body on the board. After that, s/he tells them to fill the inside of the body with the characteristic features of Gulseren and the outside with the effects of her environment. Teacher divides participants into 3 groups. To introduce the situation and the main character, teacher reads a detailed part of the character’s blog (Please see the Appendix). After sharing Blog 1, teacher asks participants’ ideas about positive and negative effects of being an experienced teacher, how experience affects their job. Reflection takes place… Teacher asks participants whether they want to write anything on the wall about Gulseren (Role on the Wall).

Role Play 2 (8-10 minutes) • To introduce the character and the problem

Teacher reads Blog 2. Then, s/he asks participants to discuss the first day of Gulseren as a teacher, according to the information they have from the entry… Each group demonstrates their idea by improvising. Reflection takes place… Teacher asks participants whether they want to write anything on the wall about Gulseren (Role on the Wall).

Role Play 3 (12-14 minutes) • To introduce the Occupational Burnout by Christina Maslach. To brainstorm the dimensions and the reasons of burnout in teachers through an imaginary teacher

Teacher shares Blog 3 with the participants. Then, s/he asks what the problem that Gulseren was having could be named. S/he tries to open a conversation on burnout syndrome… After having a group discussion, teacher explains the occupational burnout research of Christina Maslach. S/he could write the dimensions and the reasons according to Maslach on the wall to be discussed by the group… then, s/he asks participants to discuss about the reasons of the burnout in Gulseren in their groups and improvise their reasons group by group. Reflection takes places… Teacher asks participants whether they want to write anything on the wall about Gulseren (Role on the Wall).

Role Play 4 (5-7 minutes) • To encourage participants to discuss the possible results of the burnout

Teacher reads Blog 4 and asks groups to discuss what kind of an embracing moment that Gulseren had experienced at her school. Reflection takes places… Teacher asks participants whether they want to write anything on the wall about Gulseren (Role on the Wall).

Role Play 5 (12-13 minutes) • To draw the participants into the tension of the dramatic situation

After sharing Blog 5, teacher hands out the dramatic situations to be improvised in the order of: Improvise the moments on that day: Group 1: A short conversation between Gulseren and her colleagues at the break. Group 2: 1) The moment when the bell rings which reminds the lesson starts. 2) The moment when the bell rings which reminds the lesson is over. Group 3: The moment when Gulseren enters for the first time the class of which she had skipped the lesson previously. Reflection takes place… Teacher asks participants whether they want to write anything on the wall about Gulseren and her colleagues (Role on the Wall).

Role Play 6 (8-10 minutes) • To draw the participants into the tension of the dramatic situation

Teacher reads Blog 6 and s/he asks for two volunteers (Gulseren and the headmaster) to improvise the next 4 scenes with the technique of Still Image and Open and Close… S/he reads the scenes only to the volunteered participants. (Time for the preparation of the improvisation will be given very shortly. Meanwhile, the “audience” participants close their eyes. Teacher gives the direction to open and close their eyes. Between each scene, there will not be any reflections or character talk) Scenes in the order of: 1) The moment when the headmaster enters the staff room. 2) The moment when Gulseren learns that she is called from the headmaster’s Office. 3) The moment when Gulseren enters the headmaster’s Office. 4) The moment when Gulseren leaves the Office. Reflection takes place… Teacher asks participants about the conversation between Gulseren and the headmaster. Teacher asks participants whether they want to write anything on the wall about Gulseren and the headmaster (Role on the Wall).

Role Play 7 (15-17 minutes) • To give an opportunity to empathise. To introduce the new techniques

Teacher reads Blog 7 and asks participants what the possible problems could be about the other teachers… Teacher reminds participants the Role on the Wall if there is anything to be added about Gulseren, the headmaster and the colleagues (Role on the Wall)... - Gossip Mile: Then, s/he hands out a piece of paper to each participant to note down the possible problems or complains about the teachers in the school… When they finish writing, teacher collects the notes. Then, s/he hands out the papers randomly and tells participants to read the gossips. - Role Cards, Teacher in Role, Meeting: Teacher hands out the role cards to each participant and tells that there will be a parent meeting with the headmaster to discuss about the issues. Each participant will pretend as s/he was a parent. So, s/he asks them to create their character with the help of the questions on the Role Card… When the participants are ready, teacher asks them to introduce themselves and talk about the problems before the meeting starts. Meanwhile, teacher tells them to spread out the gossips. Teacher monitors the participants and when s/he thinks each participant has a gossip to share, the improvisation starts… Teacher could stop the improvisation when all the volunteered participants have an equal opportunity to express their ideas… Reflection takes place… Teacher asks participants what they think about the visit of the inspector. S/he reminds the Role on the Wall to the participants. The group goes through the notes on the wall…

Reflection (17-20 minutes) • To reflect the ideas and emotions about the session. To go through the drama techniques. To criticize the process.

After the activities, teacher asks participants to think about whether the factors affect on the burnout in teachers could be changed or ameliorated. After the discussion, s/he asks them to prepare another poster including the possible solutions of burnout in teachers. S/he opens a final discussion about the burnout. At the end, teacher asks questions about the process, the characters that the participants played… How they felt in the character… S/he asks them to discuss about the techniques which could be modified and used according to their teaching subjects or aims. * During the reflection, white board could be used to write down the techniques.

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