Başak Başak

Module 1/ 2
Experienced subject teachers with no creative drama background level


This 120 minutes lesson is divided into three sections: Warm-up, role- playing and reflection. In this lesson, the participants practise different drama techniques through different dramatic situations. Warm- up section starts with different drama games as an ice breaker to build up group dynamics and trust between the participants. This is followed by selected drama activities to improve the skills of active listening and empathy through different situations related to burnout in teachers and oppression. In addition, there are several improvisation activities through personal experiences. Finally, the participants are asked to share their opinions by answering reflective questions. At the end of each session, short reflections are held. Pre-test will be given to the participants.


Abc Backup Dramatic Situations
Abc Cloth and Fabric/ Costume
Abc Crayons
Abc White board
Abc Drawing paper

Main Aims

  • • To provide an experience to practise some drama techniques. To practise improvisation. To warm up to the second session’s subject “Burnout in Teachers”.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To differentiate between drama, theatre and playing games. To give an opportunity to forge links between drama techniques and their professional lives. To build the group dynamics.


Warm- Up (13-15 minutes) • To build up group dynamics and play drama games. To improve active listening skills. To warm up the target subject.

1) To build up group dynamics and practice on active listening skill, teacher introduces the listen and tell activity. Teacher asks participants to work in pairs… S/he tells them that each partner has one minute to tell a few things that their partners do not know about them. After one minute with the instruction of the teacher, partners swap the mission. When each side finishes telling their stories, teacher asks participants to share the most interesting or unknown things that they have heard from their partners 2) Group Counting Game: To build up group dynamics, teacher introduces the counting game to participants. One of the participants could start the game by counting. Participants sit in a circle. At first, the task is to count from 1 to 10 loudly, in random order. Therefore, anyone can say a number whenever they want. However, if two participants say a number at the same time, they start counting from 1 again. After practising the game between 1 and 10, teacher could make it 1 to 20 (the numbers could be arranged according to the number of participants.). Next time, teacher asks participants to close their eyes and try to play the game. Reflection if necessary.

Role- Play 1- Simultaneous Improvisation (20-22 minutes) • To practise pair improvisation types through different situations where active listening, empathy and interaction are centred. To warm up for Forum theatre activity.

Teacher and a volunteer student demonstrate a “Black X White” improvisation… Teacher defines how to maintain an improvisation. S/he asks participants to improvise these situations in pairs and says that with his/ her instruction, partners will swap the characters (after a few minutes, teacher says “swap”. So, each person can experience the characters equally): 1) A: A European committee will come and visit your school. They want one of the classes to present a project. It is a very important event that is why you choose one of the most hardworking teachers. S/he has to do it. B: You have to focus on the curriculum as it is very important for the final exams. You don’t have time for preparing any projects. Convince your headmaster to find another teacher 2) A: You are an employer. You are forced to downsize and fire the only female employee due to female’s maternity leave. You are not allowed to tell this reason to the employee. B: You are very good at your job and you earn good money. You cannot lose this job. Try to learn the reason of the issue. Volunteered partners share their role- play with the group. Reflection… In this activity, to improve their improvisation skills more and to challenge them, teacher gives only a starting point to one of the characters: 3) A: The thing you did was very humiliating and unfair! B: ................................................ B: Enough! I am not your slave! A: .............................................. Volunteered partners share their role- play with the group from the point that teacher stopped the improvisation. Reflection…

Role- Play 2- Teacher in Role (18-20 minutes) • To create an atmosphere where participants can feel the oppression to warm up for the next role play activity

Teacher asks participants to stand up and tells them that now they are unqualified workers that nobody wants to hire. S/he asks what kind of a place they are working at and a few questions to clarify the place, atmosphere and other elements to create a story. According to what is decided, teacher gets in role as a boss. Teacher lets the participants to improvise a few minutes to give them an opportunity to have a connection between themselves and their characters. Teacher (oppressor) shouts: - What the hell are you all doing?! It is not your break time! Get up and work! Nobody wants to hire you! How silly of me giving you this job! I’m giving you 1 minute to clean this mess! (S/he murmurs and leaves the place) ... (Teacher waits for a reaction. If there is no reaction, s/he increases the tension and can also play another character such as a worker. The aim is to disturb the participants both emotionally and physically (as the teacher is shouting), to revolt against the authority and also give an opportunity to feel the tension.) ... Short reflection and concise information about Forum Theatre and Augusto Boal (some elements of Forum Theatre could be noted on the white board).

Role Play 3- Still Image (25-27 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to improve improvisation skills and to forge links between experiences and drama

Before the still image activity, teacher talks about dramatic situation, tension, climax (a drawing could be displayed on the white board to clarify the terms). Then s/he asks participants to make a group of 4. S/he asks them to share their own oppressed experiences (if they do not want to share their experiences, back up dramatic situations will be provided. Please see *Backup Dramatic Situations). It can also be about their profession. Each group chooses one of the experiences shared in their group to improvise... Reflection... * In this activity, participants are free not to take roles in the improvisations. * Backup Dramatic Situations can be provided if necessary: Dramatic 1) Accusing a student of cheating in front of the whole class Dramatic 2) Headmaster wants a teacher to give high marks to a student whose family he is in good relation with Dramatic 3) Nobody serves you in a café because of your outfit Dramatic 4) Headmaster gives you the worst timetable as you are not experienced Dramatic 5) Shop assistant doesn’t want to sell anything to a homeless although s/he shows his/ her money

Role- Play 4- Replay the scene/ Forum Theatre (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to experience Forum theatre. To provide an opportunity to experience the "affective space" of drama

Teacher asks the whole group to decide on one of the oppressed experiences performed. S/he asks participants to replay the scene according to the rules of Forum Theatre… Reflection…

Role- Play 5- Group Statue (6-8 minutes) • To summarize the previous activity and have them question their values/ ideas

First, teacher gives information about the next activity which is forming a group statue and then asks participants to create a group statue according to the previous activity's topic. * Subject could be “what does justice mean to you?" or “what is your dream work environment?" or “what is your dream education environment?" Reflection…

Reflection (15-17 minutes) • To reflect the ideas and emotions about the session. To go through the drama techniques. To criticize the process

In the reflection part, teacher asks participants to remember what activities they have done with the flashback technique. S/he also asks them to think about how to modify the techniques to their own teaching subjects… Teacher asks participants what the differences between theatre and drama could be… Teacher asks participants to discuss how to modify Forum Theatre to school subjects… At the end, teacher asks questions about the process, the characters that the participants played… How they felt in the character… * During the reflection, white board could be used to write down the techniques.

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