Kaan Ediz Kaan Ediz

Lesson on Polite Requests
Intermediate level


This lesson will introduce the functional language of polite requests. A warm up activity will give the sts a chance to mingle with each other in a game of matching requests with answers. Once sts have a context they shall see how polite requests are used in a variety of ways through listening to conversations. While listening sts will be asked to complete tasks from the handouts. E.g. gap-fills, rewriting a conversation using polite requests. Towards the end of the lesson sts will create their own requests and go around the class asking their classmates questions to which they will either say yes or no with a following reason.


Abc Whiteboard
Abc Request and Response Slips
Abc Action cards
Abc Cutting Edge Handout
Abc Audio CD

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for polite requests in the context of social life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice using an audio script about polite requests as it pertains to social life.


Warm up: Mingling and requesting (5-7 minutes) • Each student will be given a slip of paper with either a request or an answer and will be asked to match them while mingling.

Each student will be given a slip of paper with either a request or an answer using the language in Exercise 2b. E.g. Request: "Can I have the bill please?", Response: "Certainly sir." Students will be monitored Each pair shall read out there sentences tp the class

Exercise 1: (3-4 minutes) • Students will identify who in the pictures are making each request based on the audio script

T will give sts the handouts. Sts will be asked to look at the pictures in pairs T will play track 8.1 and students will identify the people making the requests heard on the track. A second listening will be provided if sts are unsure or haven't completed the task yet. Answers will be checked in pairs.

Exercise 2a: (3-5 minutes) • Students will practice their listening skills and provide a reason for the responses they hear in 8.2

T will play 6 conversations on track 8.2 Students will listen to the requests and the responses Students will then identify the other persons answer and provide a reason for any refusals they hear. Answers will be written on the board, if its a refusal the reason will be written beside it. E.g. "Yes" / "No, because..."

Exercise 2b: (2-3 minutes) • To have students complete gap-fill exercise with the right request and answer.

T will play track 8.2 again Sts will be asked to complete the questions and answers based on what they hear. Answers will be checked as a whole class.

Functional Language Table: (8-10 minutes) • Students will be asked to complete a functional language table on the whiteboard based on what they have listened to in 2b

T will draw a table on the board with a column for each section: 1) Requests for asking if you can do something. E.g. "Can I..." 2) Requests for asking someone else to do something E.g. "Would you mind..." 3) Answers for saying yes 4) Answers for saying no T shall elicit the polite form of requests and responses and write down examples for each section based on what they have listened to.

Pronunciation and Intonation (2-3 minutes) • To provide intonation practice for polite requests

T will play track 8.3. Ss will be asked to pay attention to the intonation patterns in all 5 requests. Then T will drill the requests as a whole class using gestures where needed. Backchaining shall be done if necessary.

Practice 1: (8-10 minutes) • To have students rewrite the conversations to make them sound more polite and act them out

Sts will get in pairs T will ask sts to open their notebooks / provide paper to write on T will then instruct the sts to correct the sentences with the polite form and act them out with their partner.

Speaking Game: May I...? (5-8 minutes) • To practice asking, giving and refusing permission using card as prompts.

Sts get in pairs A set of cards will be given to each pair. 6 to students A and 6 to students B. Using prompts like "May I", "Can I" and "Could I" sts will be asked to take turns asking permission for the action on the card. If there is a tick on the back of the card, the student answering gives permission. If there is a cross on the back of the card, the student answering refuses permission. Have the students hold their card so the permission prompt is facing towards them and the tick or cross is facing away. They ask, give and refuse permission until their cards are finished.

Practice 2b: (5-7 minutes) • To have ss freely come up with their own requests and responses to requests to further practice target language.

Much like the card game, the teacher will facilitate another mingling session. Sts will be asked to create their own requests and respond to them either giving or refusing permission. If the answer is no, they will have to provide a reason.

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