Farah Farah

Reading about fashion in the past and today
Beginners' level level


In this lesson, students' reading comprehension skills will be improved, they also will learn new vocabulary about past and present fashion in Europe and India with elicitation and matching. They read the script and relate the main idea to a series of guided phrases. Then they read again and talk in groups to answer few guided questions for deeper understanding of the passage. Towards the end, they share their personal opinion about fashion and the reason behind it.


Abc reading handout Task 1 - teacher's made handout

Main Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about current and past fashion in India and Europe

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice about fashion


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Since the Goal of my lesson is "describe people's appearance" I would write this on the board so students see visually, listen to the phrase. I will also demonstrate it with a student. TT: you talked about your friends', family personalities. - will point on the board, in this lesson we talk about people's appearance. I will show an appearance with a gesture. - will write on the board: look for 3 things in someone in class, tell 3 things about that person to your partner and your partner will tell you the name of that person. - with a demonstration, will sit in a table with a partner. I will look around the class will notice Cigdem's appearance because she has a beauty spot and normally she wears make-up and possibly a neckless ( sts needs these vocabularies anyways for reading.) - will tell my partner,1- she has a couple of beauty spots, 2- she has make-up on, she wears a neckless. Who is she?

Pre-Reading (5-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Before reading, I will elicit by the following vocabulary to help students get the gist of the text. The lexis: 'a wig - jewels - a beauty spot - a necklace - make-up.' At this stage, my aim is for Ss to elicit the meaning from the visuals and/or CCQ I ask. For 'a wig' - my daughter plays role in theatre - her role is 'frozen' - girl with long blond hair - my daughter has short black hair - she has to wear ?? in order to play in a theatre. I will write the lexis on the board. Next, I elicit 'jewels' asking questions as her necklace has ...... a beauty spot - look around the class, who has a beauty spot? a necklace and a make-up. I will elicit these lexises first then I would write them on the board.

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading task

TT - elicit exhibition by 'Erkan Genis', who is Erkan Genis? what is he doing? - ask students to look at the questions 1-5, - will ask one student to read the question, will try to focus on the stress of the lexis since they are question phrases. 'looking at the pictures, what is the reading about? what do you think? will give them some information about the text TT - Read the text - mark 1 or 2 next to the questions individually, you have 5 minutes to read, will ask a student to tell the class what they need to do, will do the first one as a demo. after reading, will ask students to get in pairs and discuss their answers for 2 minute - the answers are in the pack of your reading.

While-Reading #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

Before reading, I will hand out a list of lexis to match to help students better comprehend the text. will regroup by how they appear, for example, Serdar and Sukur wear the same colour shirt they will pair. TT - Read this text again and answer the questions individually. (is this in writing or speaking?) will have a student to read the first question and find another to possibly circle the answer. - then have them in pairs to speak and check their answers. - then one person from the group will share their answers with the class.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- will have a group of 2 - discuss the questions on exercise 4 one person will share one thing (maybe more if time allows) about h/her partner to the class.

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