Ava Ava

TP 3
B2 level


In this lesson, students are going to practice listening and speaking about the subject "Treasured Possessions". There will be 3 listening tasks about the subject.


No materials added to this plan yet.

Main Aims

  • To provide the students a context to practice the meaning of "Sentimental Values" and their listening skills.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking To have more practice over the subject, and talking about their opinions and their own sentimental values.


Presentation (12-15 minutes) • To present the lesson context

Greeting and Presenting the lesson to the students and doing more practice on exercise 1.

Practice (10-15 minutes) • To have more Practice on the subject

By doing exercise 2, and dividing the students in 4 groups, they are going to have more practice on the subject Treasured possessions, practice their listening skills in a group.

Exercise 3 (7-10 minutes) • more practice

The students are going to have more practice on their speaking by doing exercise 3.

Anecdote (7-10 minutes) • Free practicing

The students are going to practice their speaking skills using the topic, in a free exercise at the end of the class. They are going to talk about their own most treasured possessions.

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