Rahma Sherif Rahma Sherif

Animals, Animals
Movers level


In this lesson, my S is supposed to learn the names of new animals through a TTT framework. The class will start with a video about crocodiles eating different animals followed by a short discussion then a matching excercise ( T1). After teaching the vocab, the S will practise reading about crocodiles through first a writing excercise to expose him to the animal he is going to read about, then true or false sentences. After doing this, the S will take a handout about crocodiles to read and check his answers. The next part of the lesson is practice listening for gist and specific information in the context of at the zoo. The production will be a speaking task in which the S will describe 3 of his favourite animals.


Abc Gap_ fill handout
Abc Matching exercise
Abc Video
Abc Matching forms & Gap fill

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of animals in the context of animals
  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about crocodiles in the context of animals

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about a boy in the zoo in the context of at the zoo


Revision (10-15 minutes) • to revise the TL of the previous lesson

The T handouts a sheet of the previous TL vocab in which the S will write the missing words. To revise the sounds learned (short u and short i sounds) To present some phonics patterns needed in the new TL.

Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To watch a video about animals followed by a short discussion.

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

The T chests a worksheet and focuses the s' attention to the pics and words. The T elicits the first example from the S. The S will do the exercise.

Teach (20-25 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Meaning + pronunciation = pics +body movements+ drilling CCQs { pointing at the pic and S say the word} { the T says the word and the S acts it} Form= spelling and recalling the patterns sounds (phonics patterns) + plural forms CCQs { gap_ filling on board} { matching exercise}

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Writing the names of the animals in the SB The T presents the book in OHP and sits the task: _ Do u c the animals? _ What's animal number one? (it's a bear) Good, can u c the table (pointing at the table)? What should we write in number 1? ( bear) T monitors , gives help, and FB

Lead in (3-5 minutes) • to activate students interest and grap their attention

To watch a movie about crocodiles followed by short discussion.

pre-reading (5-7 minutes) • To activate Ss' knowledge and pre_teach difficult words

T elicits the meanings of the body parts of a crocodile T writes them down on board The S will look and write the missing words using the board if necessary. ( since these words are not the main focus, the T won't focus on the form a lot) T teaches : river, safe, and inside

During reading 1 (6-15 minutes) • to provide Ss with gist reading

The S will read 7 sentences and writes yes\no Ins: How many sentences can u c? (7) Nice, now read and write yes or no MOD, T does an example of a yes sentence and another no sentence. T monitors, helps, and provides FB through the reading passage of p. 106 The S will read and check his answers.

Lead in (3-5 minutes) • to set the context and grap the S' attention

the T Shows a pic and opens a short discussion about it.

exposure (5-8 minutes) • to get the S's attention to be familiar with the TL in the next step

Mind map the TL through eliciting all the information needed to do the listening effectively.

gist listening (10-15 minutes) • to get the S familiar with the idea of the listening context and practice his eyes to English conversations

The S will listen to tell the T with whom the boy is talking. Then the S will listen to fill in the information in the book. ( The may do the whole exercise orally first to grade it to fit the S' needs)

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