Elementary level


In this lesson Ss learn about adjectives, nouns, propositions related to places to live in houseswap context


Abc Recording- track 37
Abc Straightforward Elemantary Student's Book Macmillan pp 29
Abc Visuals for Lead-In
Abc Web based visuals

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with practice in reading for gist and specific information through a reading about swapping houses- houseswap.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and review of common verb phrases about places to live


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To arouse interest in the topic, and to introduce common verb phrases.

Power Point slide- hand out flash cards to go with it. Ask Ss to match words to the pictures by nominating each student.

Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the reading and introduce to vocabulary for places to live

Handout - Match the adjectives in A to their opposites in B show word stress and model pronunciation for noisy and quiet.

Pre-listening (5-5 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the reading and introduce to vocabulary for places to live

Show power point slide of my flat. Say: This is my home. It's a flat. It's an old flat. It's in Bursa. It's big. It has three bedrooms. It's nice. I like it. It's next to the park. Then show the flat in Power point- nominate a St and ask: This is your home. Can you describe it?

Listening (5-5 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the reading and introduce to vocabulary for places to live

Ask Ss to read the text in the speech bubble carefully before I play the recording. say: Listen to someone talking about where she lives Underline the words you hear. They can compare their answers with a partner.

Listening task (3-5 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the reading and introduce to vocabulary for places to live

Handout- Work in pairs. Tell your partner about where you live. Use the words in exercises 1 and 2 to help you.

pre-reading (5-7 minutes)

Explain swap. Ask a student to come up and get two chairs. Imagine that you were in a movie theatre and ask (with mimmicks and gestures) if it is OK to swap seats. Practise it. Ask: What things do we swap? elicit clothes, stories, seats...

reading (3-5 minutes) • Learning the meaning of the key word houseswap

Give Ss a minute to read the text. Show the houseswap picture in power point Ask what do you see in this picture? CCQs: Do they buy a house? No Do you stay in a hotel or someone's house? Do they stay at each other's houses?

reading text 2 (5-7 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the reading text 2 and practise to describing places to live

Ask Ss to read the text for about 3 mins. Ask Ss to match each home to the picture. Handout exercise. Ask Ss to do it in pair work.

Post-reading (text2) Task (5-10 minutes) • To check Ss' understanding of the text and to provide the opportunity for freer speaking and semi-controlled writing.

Ask Ss to read the text again and decide if sentences are true (T) or false (F).- Exercise handout. Ask Ss compare their answers in pairs

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