Reading and Speaking
Intermediate level
Main Aims
The aim of this lesson is for students to be able to read from an informative text to learn ways to improve their memory. By answering T or F questions and questions about the video, students will be able to speak using the text information or their background knowledge.
Subsidiary Aims
Students will speak by pair work and group work using their background knowledge.
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
Hello Class!! I would share a "good thing" myself that I did over the weekend. I would then ask a volunteer to pick on 3 other volunteers to share their "good things" over the weekend.
Exercise I: 1- I will pass out the reading. 2- I will pass out the handout. 3- Students will read (skim) the Text individually and decide on the T or F statements in the handout individually. Then get into pairs and discuss why they think the statement is T or F!! 4- If the statement is F, then sts will correct it by writing a True statement. Exercise II: sts will discuss and then write or draw any information in the text that surprised or interested them and why?
1- Students will be watching a video regarding tips for improving your memory and taking some notes on ideas. 2- After each tip, I will pause for a few 30 seconds so they write down as many ideas as they can. 3- students will write down some of their ideas on the board and ask other students to find association with R for Remembering and F for forgetting next to each idea.
1- Students will be reading Seven Tips for improving your memory from the text. 2- After each tip students will do a mini exercise in a handout individually or with a partner that matches the tip to improve the memory.
Exercise IV: Students will work individually then in pairs and discuss the following questions: 1- Which tips seem the most/least useful? 2- Which, if any, would be useful in learning English? 3- Do you have any other ways of remembering new words in English?