demo class
elementary level
Main Aims
To provide practice of possessive adjectives in the context of family
To provide practice of family related vocabularies
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of family
To provide specific information in the context of family
Procedure (51-60 minutes)
greeting teacher briefly explains what they want to do in the session brainstorming activity
Teacher makes groups of 2 students. Then she asks them to do the tasks 1 and 2. After that, each group has to to share their answers with class.
Teacher makes group of 2 students. Then, she read a text and students have to do the task based on the information that they listen. Finally, they have to share their answers.
Teacher explains the grammar and then asks students to do the task. After they do the task, they share their answers with class.
Teacher provides the tasks that students have to do as homework Teacher summarizes the content of session