targol targol

Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students are going to learn how to make sentences I order to offer help to someone politely. They will do this in the context of their previous class listening and after that they will do a controlled practice activity so they can discover more.


Abc Visuals, sentences on the board from page 83 of Straightforward Intermediate Student book exercise 1
Abc Speaking topics sentences designed by me
Abc Sentences from page 81 of Straightforward Intermediate Student's book exercise 2
Abc Sentences from page 81 of Straightforward Intermediate Student's book exercise 3
Abc Handouts from page 42 of Straightforward Intermediate workbook exercise 1
Abc Handouts from page 42 of Straightforward Intermediate workbook exercise 2

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for Making offers to help politely in the context of Two people helping someone else in two different situations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Helping their oartner


Lead-in (5 minutes) • Make them ready to start

I ask them about the previous listening: Do you remember what was it about, what was happening? Discuss it with your partner Then I will ask for feedbacks and I will try to elicit the word help from them I will tell them that in the listening they wanted to help and they were offering help.

Sentences and pictures on the board (8 minutes) • Teaching the offering for help sentences

I will put two pictures related to the listening on the board and I will put some sentences from the listening on the board but the sentences aren’t complete and the words which we use to make the offer are missing. Then I elicit the words from them and when they answer, I will complete the Sentences in the board. Then I ask them when do we use these sentences? To elicit the meaning “ when we want to offer helping.” Then I ask some CCQ s: Do we use these sentences when we want to ask for help?No Do we ask them when we want to offer help to someone?Yes Is it a bad way to offer?No Is it a polite way to offer?Yes After that I highlight the forms of the sentences on the board and show them that we should use bare infinitive. After that I model the pronunciation and ask them to drill

Rearranging the sentences (8 minutes) • To make them practice the language through a controlled practice activity.

I will tell them now I will give you these handouts and you have to rearrange them and put them in correct order so you have a correct sentence. Do you need to add anything extra?No After they finish I ask them to check it in pairs and then I ask for feedbacks

Putting the cut outs in the right place (7 minutes) • To teach them how can they reply to offers.

I will refer back to the pictures and the sentences on the board again and I tell them now we want to reply to these sentences we can either accept it positively(I put a positive sign on the board) or negatively(I put a negative sign) then I will give them some cut outs which are replies to the offers and ask them to come and stick it in the correct place(positive or negative) then I ask them : What can we use for a positive reply? What can we use for a negative reply? Then I show the form for them After that I drill the pronunciation.

Multiple choice activity (7 minutes) • Practice the replies through a controlled practice activity.

I will tell them now you’re going to chose the right reply for different offers.I’m going to give you these handouts and chose the best reply for each one of them. Can you choose more than one answer?No After they finish I will ask for pair checking and then feedback

Offering help to a partner (10 minutes) • To practice the language by speaking and using the language

I will tell them now I will give you these handouts, you have to get in pairs. First your partner should give you advice about each of these situations and then you have to change your roles. After they finish I ask for feedbacks and then correct their mistakes which I had noticed by monitoring.

Extra time activity • Practicing the language by speaking

I will give them two sentences written on a paper and ask them to create dialogues and ask their partner for help. Then they have to switch roles. After they finish,I ask for feedback.

Web site designed by: Nikue