Funda karaoğlu Funda karaoğlu

Life changes
Intermediate level


This lessons starts with a matching activity to predict the topic of listening task. They listen for gist and details, answer some questions. At the end, Ss have a chance to respond to the recording and express their opinions about it.


Abc matching handout
Abc True-false handout
Abc audio
Abc referencing handout
Abc audioscript
Abc gist questions handout

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about being a "stay at home" parent in the context of life changes

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice for fluency in a debate in the context of being a "stay at home" parent


Lead-in (6 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening text, and to set the context

-The students are directly given the matching definitions handout after greeting -They match the phrases with their definitions -Pair check their answers and try to guess what they are going to listen about -FB on the board, elicit their ideas about the subject -CCQs and some pronunciation work if needed Instructions and ICQs -In this lesson, you will listen to an interview, but before starting you need to match these phrases with their definitions -The phrases are from the listening. Please match them and try to guess the topic of the interview. -What are you going to listen about?

Listening for gist (6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening task so that they improve their listening for gist skills

-they listen to an interview with a man (a stay at home dad) and answer two questions about him -they pair check their answers -WC FB Instructions and ICQs -Now you will listen to an interview with a man whose life has changed a lot -Please read the questions quickly and answer them while listening

Listening for detailed information (8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening task

-Ask them if they know the meaning of "stay at home" parent -Elicit their ideas and clarify -They read the true/false sentences quickly before listening -They listen to the audio again, and circle T or F -Pair check their answers -WC FB Instructions and ICQs -OK, as you can see the interview is about a stay at home parent. What does a "stay at home parent" mean? -Does he go to work or stay at home for the baby? -Now, you will listen to the same interview again and decide if these sentences are true or false -Please read the sentences first, then we will start listening

Referencing activity (6 minutes) • to improve students' understanding of reference words in the text and provide them with referencing practice

-They look at the audioscript and try to find what some expressions refer to (first on their own) -Then they are given the handout and match the expressions with their meanings -pair check their answers -WC FB on the board -Instructions and ICQS -Here we have some expressions from the listening text -You will look at the script and find these expressions -First have a look at the script and try to understand what they mean -You need to look at the italic words -For example; The sentence is "It didn't make much sense" and "it" is written in italic, so you need to find what does that "it" mean in the text? Are you looking for the meaning of whole sentence or only the italic word? -Now match the expressions to the meanings on the worksheet

Freer practice (19 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned with a fluency speaking activity

-The class is divided into two groups (before dividing the class, T regroups the students, changes their seats) -One group supports being a "stay at home" parent -The other group supports the opposite and rejects being a stay at home parent -In their groups, they try to find reasons why being a stay at home parent is good or bad -When they get ready with their ideas, Ss pair up and in pairs they try to convince each other -If time is available, they can change partners and try to convince someone else -Feedback on the discussions -Some error correction if needed Instructions and ICQs: -Now, it's time to talk about our lives. -Who thinks staying at home and looking after the child is a good idea? Why? -This group will support the idea of being a stay at home parent and they will say it's a good idea -This group will reject it and say "No, being a stay at home parent is not sensible" -In your groups try to find reasons why it's good or bad So, are you going to say being a stay home parent is good or bad? (pointing at a group) -You have 3-4 minutes to find reasons to support your argument -Everybody, please take some notes while discussing. You will need your notes later on -OK, now you will discuss in pairs and try to convince each other / change your friend's ideas about the subject

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