Souad Hibichi Souad Hibichi

Present Perfect (Simple and Continuous)
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn the difference between Present Perfect (Simple and Continuous) in the context of "illness and treatment"


Abc White Board
Abc American English File (SB)
Abc Handout
Abc Flash Cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the differences between "Present Perfect Simple" and "Present Perfect Continuous" in the context illness and treatment.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Provide Review of Vocabulary related to illness and treatment ( Nosebleed, Blood Pressure, Blisters ...)


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T tells the SS their head has been hurting all day, and asks if they have been through this before when having a long day at work/ school. T asks what do we call this, and elicit the word "Headache" from SS and write it on the WB T asks SS "what other parts of the body can be used with "ache" (Stomachache / Backache / Toothache / Earache)

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows the SS pictures of 5 illnesses and elicit the illnesse's names while correcting the pronunciation 1. Fever / Temperature 2. Allergies ( sneezing and coughing) 3. Dizzy / What could happen if you feel dizzy? = Faint 4. Bruise 5. Broken Bones T asks SS "Have you ever broken your leg/ arm during your childhood? elicit answers T will handout a questionnaire and elicit instructions how many questions do we have? 2 how many answers for each question? 3 what will you do? choose the correct answer + think of the meaning of the highlighted words T gives SS 3 min to answer once they finish the T will then explain the meaning of each word T asks SS to read the dialogue between ( Doctor & Patient p.14 SB) and use their instinct in choosing the right answer ( choose what feels right)

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

On the board T will write 2 sentences ( from the previous dialogue) 1. My son has swallowed a pen ( Present Perfect Simple) 2. I have been running after a cat ( Present Perfect Continuous)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will give other example and write new sentences on the Board: I have broken my leg 3 times. (+) 1) Is your leg broken now? No 2) Do we know When did you break your leg? No 3) Is it important to know the exact time? No Elicit form : Has/ have + Participle ( Break / Broke/ Broken) Q = Have you ever Broken your leg? yes, I have, No, I haven't (?) N = I have never broken my leg. (-) CCQ For Present Perfect Simple: Am I asking about the future? No Am I asking about the past? Yes Am I talking about a specific time in the past? No Another Use: T Drink water and asks SS "what did I just do?" I have just drunk water. If there is an action that has just happened. Summarize: We use this tense when we want to talk about finished actions that started in the past and are complete in the time of speaking. without mentioning specific timing. _______ Present Perfect Continuous She has been sneezing all morning. has/have + been + verb+ing draw a timeline ( past / now) started sometime in the past and continues to to present. It has been raining all day. Did it rain in the morning? Yes. Did it rain in the afternoon? Yes. Is it still raining? Yes. Summarize: We use this tense when we want to talk about unfinished actions that started in the past and continues to the present.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The T provide the SS with a controlled exercise (Ex 1C p.133 SB) A. T asks SS to circle the correct form of the verb B. T asks SS to use the verbs in brackets in the correct form Check answers and provide feedback

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T put the SS into groups of A and B. T then tells them that one of them is a doctor and the other one is a patient. SS should create conversation using the target language along with Present Perfect (Simple and Continuous) T will monitor the activity and note down ideas in order to give them feedback at the end of the activity.

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