Emelie Emelie

TP 4 Dream jobs
B2 level


In this lesson, students will practice to identify formal and informal written language in the context of seeking jobs. First the student will read and discuss an advertisement. Then they will continue to read a cover letter and try to find examples of formal expressions. Finally the students will rewrite a short paragraph from a cover letter, using the expressions from the previous text to change the wording of the letter from informal to formal.


Main Aims

  • Reading – To practice reading for specific information in the context of seeking jobs.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Writing – To practise accuracy in using formal language when writing a cover letter.


Lead in (3 minutes) • To bridge the lessons and set context.

Tell Ss about a dream job and ask if they have one they would like to share with the group.

Pre-teach vocabulary (7 minutes) • To prepare students for the reading tasks, by teaching target language.

a) Pre-teach recruit, duties, regarding, applicant, submit, requirement and hands-on experience by having the Ss in pairs match underlined words/phrases in a sentence with the definition. Then give the answer key. ICQ: -Are you matching the same color? (No, different) b) Write the words on the board (to the right). Ask CCQs, drill the meaning and elicit the stress.

Read advertisement (7 minutes) • To practice reading for information and react on the topic.

a) Project the advertisement on the board and elicit “advertisement”. – Look at the title. What kind of text is this? Check comprehension of “caretaker”. b) Ss read the advertisement and discuss in pairs: 1) What kind of person would be good for the job? 2) Would you like to do this job? Why/Why not? c) F/B Open class. Nominees from the pairs share briefly what they discussed.

Read cover letter (9 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information.

a) Ask Ss - What would you do if you want to apply for the job? If needed explain “cover letter”. b) Have Ss read the cover letter and think about if this person would be good for the job or not. c) Discuss answers in groups of 3 or 4 (due to the nr of Ss).

Functional language (9 minutes) • To give practice in distinguishing formal and informal language.

a) Elicit the meaning of “formal” and “informal” with the examples “Give me the book” /”Could you pass me the book, please” CCQs: - Do we we use formal or informal when speak to our friends? (informal) – Do we use formal or informal when we meet someone for the first time? (formal) b) Ask Ss if the cover letter is formal or informal. Have them discuss in pairs and underline examples in the text. ICQ: Are you writing the examples (No underlining) c) FB WC. Project the letter and have each group come to the board to underline examples. Check comprehension.

Re-write cover letter (10 minutes) • To practice accuracy in formal writing.

a) Ss look at Ho2 question 2. T gives a context explaining that Joe found a job as a teacher that he would really like to have, but he needs some help with his writing. It’s too informal and needs to be more formal. b) Ss rewrite the paragraph in their notebook. T monitors and gives direct feedback. c) If time, Ss read their paragraphs to each other in pairs.

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