Teaching Practice 7A 16.07.2018
Intermediate level
Main Aims
To practise writing in the context of history.
Subsidiary Aims
To practise reading for a gist in the context history.
Procedure (45-56 minutes)
The teacher greets the students and introduces herself to them and learns their names by writing them on the board. The teacher tries to carry on the same context history, by asking the students general questions about history. The teacher elicits the words gunpowder and compass as a previous teaching of some significant vocabulary and as a smooth transation to the next activity. Power point slide show is shown at this stage.
ex.8 The students are asked to read the text to answer the question.The teacher elicits the answers. A brief discussion takes place, the teacher asks some CCQs about the text and their answers. ex.9 The teacher asks some CCQs about essays. The students are asked to work in pairs and put the stages of essay writing in order. The answer key is given and they check their answers.
ex.(10A) The students are asked to read the paragraph and read the key. ex.(10B) The students are asked to complete the sentences using the labels from the key on their own, when they are finished they check their answers in pairs. Answer key is given. Whole class feedback is conducted. ex.(10C) The students label the first paragraph of the essay in ex.8 alone, then check their answers in pairs. Answer key is given. The teacher elicits their answers in feedback.
ex.(11A) The students are given 1 minute to read the instructions. The teacher provides ICQs. The students work alone and follow their instructions for their paragraphs. The teacher monitors them and helps them if necessary. The teacher asks the students to read the tip to check their writing efficitently. The teacher monitors them and helps them if necessary.
ex.(11B) The students are asked to change their essays with a pair and check each others' work following the instructions and the tips. Students talk about their pair's text for the class, in feedback. Delayed error correction takes place. The teacher summarises the elements of a paragraph with students at the end of the lesson.
Speak Out Second Edition Intermediate Workbook ex.(6A) page 61 The students read for a gist to choose the best title. ex.(6B) The students read the text to find the topic sentence, a linking word and a linking expression.