fatma fatma

Miracle Diets
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will be able to learn food based on a listening exercise about a TV programme. In addition, they will practice speaking in a free activity as a productive skill.


Abc Audio
Abc Flashcards
Abc Handout
Abc Handout
Abc Projector
Abc Audio

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about Food in the context of Miracle diets

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and review of food words in the context of miracle diets


Lead-in (6-10 minutes) • To get Ss concentrated and interested in the lesson.

-Greet the students. -Stick the flashcards on the board and ask Ss: What are these?-Food. -Tell them they are going to play a game. Divide Ss into two groups. Choose one S from each team. Name one of the cards. The Ss will race to stick the name with the card. Whoever sticks the name first gets 1 point for their group. Instructions: -When I say the name of the food you will stick it under the card. -Who sticks first wins one point. Model if they do not understand. Choose the winner team. -Drill the words on the board chorally and individually. -Ss will complete the information for the Nutrition Reference Guide. -Tell them: Complete the table with suitable food. Work individually. You have 3 minutes. ICQs: Do we work in pairs?-No. -If necessary, give them examples. -They will compare their answers with a partner. -Play the recording. Ss will listen and check their answers. -Give them the answer key and let them check their answers.

Pre-listening (5-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with the words what might cause problems in understanding the recording.

-Show the picture of an example miracle diet. Ask them what they think about the picture. -Elicit "miracle". Losing 5 kilos will be a miracle. CCQs: Are miracles real things?-No. Is it a surprising thing?-Yes. -Elicit "amazing". Dukan diet gives an amazing result. CCQs: Does an amazing thing make you happy?-Yes Can amazing things be surprising?-Yes -Elicit "result". CCQs: Do we see results at the beginning or the end of the something?-At the end. -Elicit "carbohydrate". CCQs: Is there any carbohydrate in vegetables?- No. Will too much carbohydrate make us fat?-Yes. -Ask Ss to read the extract from a TV magazine. Give them a minute. Ask and write on the board: What's the name of the show? What type of show is it? What are they talking about? Find the answers to the questions. ICQs: Do we have minutes?-No -Ask them to discuss their answers with their partners. They have 2 minutes to discuss. Do we work in pairs?- Yes. -WC feedback.

Listening for gist (3-5 minutes) • To provide students to get the main idea discussed in the programme.

-Play the recording. Students listen to the part of the programme and underline the name of each diet mentioned. Instructions: -While listening, underline the name of the diet they are talking about. Do it individually, please. ICQs: Do we work in pairs?-No. -Peer check. -Give them the answer key.

Listening for specific information (5-10 minutes) • To give practice in identifying specific details from a text

-Give Ss 3 minutes to look through Daniel Barber's notes. -Play the recording again. -Ss will listen and underline the correct words in the notes. Instructions: Listen to the recording and underline the correct words(showing from the text). ICQs: Do we write anything?-No. -Reflect the text and ask them to underline the correct ones on the board.

Post-listening (5-10 minutes) • To practice speaking for fluency with regard to food

-Give students two minutes to discuss the questions in pairs; "Are these good diets? why? why not? Do you know any miracle diets?" Instructions: Ask the questions to your partner? Find out what she/he thinks about the diets. You have two minutes. ICQs: Do we have 3 minutes?-Yes. Will everyone answer the questions?-Yes. -Ask them to share what they have learnt about their friends.

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