mohammed sadek mohammed sadek

CELTA TP3 (Teacher E)
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about can and can’t to express ability through guided discovery based on listening text about making pop stars. The lesson starts with a discussion about TV programmes that make pop stars. This is followed by a listening task in which students know about 3 contestants abilities in dancing, singing and playing the guitar. Finally, there is some controlled practice through sentence reformulation.


Abc pictures
Abc Lesson Handout
Abc Book's Audio

Main Aims

  • To practice can/can't in the context of making pop stars

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in speaking in the same context


Lead in (4-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the lesson

- Play a short extract from the CD 4.1 (the three contestants playing the guitar). Tell the SS that this is part of a TV programme. Ask SS what kind of programme they think it is. - Elicit ideas, then tell SS that they are going to find out.

Expand context (10-14 minutes) • To provide a clear situation to present / elicit TL

- Lesson handouts are passed out. Ask SS if they can get the kind of the TV programme now and show them a picture of this kind of programmes. Ask them if there is (or has been) a similar programme in their country. - Focus on the photos of the three people. Explain that these people want to be on the TV programme. - Tell SS that they are going to hear the three contestants play the guitar, dance, and sing, and then decide who they think wins a place on the programme. - Focus on the instructions and on sentences 1-8.Check that SS remember the difference between very well and quite well (through examples on the board) and highlight that sentences 1-3 are about the guitar, 4-5 about dancing, and 6-8 about singing. - Tell SS that they are going to hear Jude, Gareth and Kelly play the guitar. Play the first part of the audition (guitar). Then tell SS in group to complete sentences 1-3. Play the second part of the audition (dancing) and get SS to complete sentences 4-5. Finally, play the last part of the audition (singing) and get SS to complete sentences 6-8. - After SS finish, write the answer on the board for SS to check.

Elicit Language (5-7 minutes) • To elicit samples of the TL onto the whiteboard

- Ask SS "Who do you think is the winner?Why?". Encourage them to use can and can't. - Play the audition 4.2 for SS to hear who the winner is. - Ask SS to fill-in the gaps in ex.d with can or can't. - Ask SS to give you examples with can or can't for things they are/aren't able to do. - Write their sentences on the board.

Focus on meaning (3-4 minutes) • To provide clarification of meaning of the TL & To check learners understand the target language for meaning

- Tell SS that can/can't mean know how to - Ask SS "Can you carry the desk?" (No, I can't) - Ask SS " Can you speak Arabic?" (Yes, I can)

Focus on phonolgy (2-3 minutes) • To provide clarification of the pronunciation of the TL

- Tell SS that we say can in a different way from can't. - Do some drilling on the pronunciation of can and can't in the sentences.

Focus on form (3-4 minutes) • To provide clarification of the form of the TL

- Ask SS if we did any change to the verb after can/ can't (Do we add -s/-d for example? - Tell SS that the verb after can/can't is the inf. without to (the verb without any change)

Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide practice of the TL, using the same / similar situation

- Focus on the speech bubbles in Ex.e. Drill the questions and short answers. Then demonstrate the dialogue with a student. - Ask SS to ask and answer in pairs (They can use different action verbs like swim, play a sport, drive a car, .......etc.)

Feedback • To praise good use of TL & To correct errors in TL use

- Monitor the students while working in pairs. Provide praise for SS who use can and can't correctly. Provide correction for errors in the use of can and can't.

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