sono Trabelsi sono Trabelsi

Lesson plan TP5 - Vocabulary (Collocations)
Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss practice Collocations in the context of daily life. The lesson starts with a brief discussion about a set of pictures, This is followed by matching and filling in gaps activities where Ss put words together, Then, they will listen for specific information. Finally, they will practice the dialogues using different words , and end by a seed story activity.


Abc Audio
Abc Textbook handouts
Abc Gap-filling handouts
Abc Slide pictures
Abc Cards

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of collocations ( verb + noun - prepositions - noun +noun) in the context of daily life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of listening for specific information in the context of daily life.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Commenting upon a set of pictures to tell about Mr Bean's yesterday's activities. Look at the pictures. What did Mr Bean do? - Highlighting the used collocations. These words go together. 'They are friends' Can you think of similar ones? - Eliciting more ( Reminding Ss of some of the things they said yesterday)

Pre-Listening (18-20 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Activity 1: Mingle Activity: Ss will be split into two groups. In a - competition like activity, they will race to find as many yellow matching cards , as possible , to the green cards . The group with the most cards is the winner. - These are green cards. There are yellow cards at the back of the classroom. You need to match them together in 1 minute. For example, 'become' goes with ' a pilot '. What about 'drink'? ( a cup of tea). So, are you going to stand up? Are you going to write anything? And how much time do you have? GO! - Check your answers (Key Answer) What's the difference between 'ride' and 'drive'? Describe the picture The man's riding a white horse.( Highlighting stress and backchaining ) Is the word 'record' the same in ' play a record ' and break a record'? Look at the picture. What can you say about Ussain Bolt? ( Bolt broke the world record twice- Highlighting stress and backchaining) Role-Play: Use the words to ask a friend a question. For example, 'win a medal ', Yaman did you win a medal last year? Now, it's your turn to ask another S. - Matching activity: You are going to work in pairs to match a word from the left list with one from the right list to fill in the gaps in these sentences, in 2 minutes. For example, I have ..... for breakfast ( orange juice) -Handing out papers ( Txt handout + Gap-filling handout) Are you going to work alone? Are you going to write?/ How much time do you have? Go ! - Check your answers, please? - Collocation Classifications: Look at this table. Where to put handbag? watch TV? Travel to Spain? - Work in your group to pick as many as you can Listening: You are going to listen to 4 people talking about their daily lives. Listen to fill in the gaps. Let's listen to do the first together. -Checking the answers.

While-Listening #1 (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

- Listen to fill in the gaps. Are you going to work alone? Are you going to write anything? - Answers checking : Check your answers with a friend.

Post-Listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- Let's use the same dialogues to talk about different things. - Demonstrating with the whole class. - Re-demonstrating with a S. - Take 2 minutes to practice with a friend

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