Stephen Sharpe Stephen Sharpe

Presenting your Opinion
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will have the chance to learn more about each other through a communicative activity. They will then have the chance to give their own opinions about controversial topics.


Abc Cut ups of language from controversial statements
Abc Live listening sentences
Abc Mini-white board (MWB)
Abc Example sentences of expressing opinions
Abc Pictures of controversial statements
Abc Blank pieces of paper
Abc Controversial statements

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of phrases for giving opinions in the context of controversial topics

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of contrversial topics


Intro to lesson / Labelling names (3 minutes) • To provide SS with an overview of today's lesson and provide the T the chance to learn their names

T will give go through the aims of today's lesson on the WB. T will give SS a piece of paper for them to write their names on and show for the duration of the lesson.

Get to Know You (10 minutes) • To allow SS and T to learn more about each other

T puts SS into pairs and demonstrates the activity. SS stand up and take 90 seconds to discuss one of the questions given to the teacher. After 90 seconds, they change partners and discuss another question. Repeat this 4 times. SS come back together as a group and T nominates SS to find out what they have learn about each other.

Warmer/Lead-in (7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows an example picture to the group and elicits answers to the following questions: 'What is happening in the picture?' 'What topic does this picture represent?' SS work in pairs to walk around the room and discuss the questions for each picture. T receive feedback by nominating SS to answer the questions.

Exposure (15 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading and listening

T shows an example controversial statement related to the previous stage. In pairs, SS have 1 minute to think of another example of a controversial statement. T nominates SS for feedback. T puts SS into pairs. T provides SS with cut ups of sentences with example language used in controversial topics. SS have to categorise the sentences into expressing more rights and less rights. T monitors to check their progress and reveals answers on the IWB T ask CCQs to check meaning and pronunciation of some words (legal / illegal / banned / fined / sent to prison / capital punishment) T shows SS 3 example controversial statements on IWB. In pairs, SS identify the topic of each statement. T nominates SS for feedback. T does a live listening of example opinions. SS listen and decide which opinion 1-3 relates to topic A - C. T nominates SS for feedback and asks why each opinion relates to each topic.

Useful Language (10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T provides SS with example sentences from live listening. SS complete the gaps with the appropriate word. SS compare their answers with their partners before T reveals the answers on IWB. T elicits the pronunciation of language and corrects, if appropriate. T focuses on functional language for agreeing / disagreeing. In small groups, SS have 2 minutes to think of other ways of expressing agreeing / disagreeing. T nominates SS to record phrases on WB.

Productive Task(s) (25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practise target productive skills

T puts SS into small groups and provides an example topic for them to discuss. SS have 2 minutes to think about their ideas; they can write down notes if they like. SS then discuss their opinions in their groups, ensuring to use the language from the previous stage. T nominates SS for feedback. In new groups, SS have 5 minutes to discuss 4 topics on different tables. T monitors throughout, helping/prompting when needed and noting any errors for delayed error correction.

Feedback and Error Correction (10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T nominates SS to provide an overview of some opinions discussed. T refers SS to IWB for delayed error correction. SS read the sentences and decide if they are correct; if they aren't, they need to say why and correct them.

Review of language (10 minutes) • To review any emerging from the lesson in a fun way

T puts SS into small groups and explains 'backs to the board' One S from each groups sits with their back to the board. T stands behind them and writes a word from today's lesson on a MWB. The other team members have to explain the word to their team member. The first person to say the word wins a point.

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