Sezer Sezer

Remembering The Past
B1 level


In this lesson, SS will be fulfilling some S based and receptive activities such as testing their memories by answering the questions of a reading quiz including questions in simple past and past continuous tenses, listening for gist and listening in details to decide on the speakers and to fill in some missing sentences gradually. They will also be working on productive skills as when they will be encountering the grammar part including the explanation of simple past and past continuous usages together.


Abc Longman English Grammar for Intermediate Students
Abc Concept Questions and Timelines
Abc Cutting Edge Intermediate Students' Book
Abc Cutting Edge Intermediate Students' Book
Abc Concept Questions and Timelines
Abc Longman English Grammar for Intermediate Students
Abc Cutting Edge Intermediate Students' Book
Abc Longman English Grammar for Intermediate Students
Abc Concept Questions and Timelines
Abc Cutting Edge Intermediate Students' Book
Abc Concept Questions and Timelines
Abc Longman English Grammar for Intermediate Students

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Simple Past versus Past Continuous Tense in the context of How well do you remember the past?

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of "How well do you remember the past?"


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To greet SS, introduce the lesson and draw their attention to the lesson.

- They will read the questions of the text and think about the answer of the quiz questions individually for 3 minutes. - ICQ - Give them the HO. - After 3 minutes ,form PW and make them ask and answer the quiz questions as quickly as possible as FB. - Form new PW, ask them to report what their original partner reported to their new partner. "How well do you remember the past?" quiz

Listening for gist (5-8 minutes) • To hear the TL in context

- Listening for gist - Decising on which question each speaker is discussing. - Taking notes while listening. - Having peer check - Listening and checking WGFB *Write numbers from 1 to 5 on your notebooks. * Listen and decide on the question number they are discussing. * Check your partner. *Listen and check

Listening for specific info (5-8 minutes) • To provide listening for specific info by letting them listen to the text again to complete the gaps of some sentences .

- Give the instruction - ICQ - Wait for one minute to let them remember the missing gaps. - Peer check - Play the recording for specific info listening * Look at the sentences and try to write what you remember for each gap. * Listen to the recording and complete the gaps

Focus on Language (5-8 minutes) • To provide them find out the new grammatical pattern themselves.

- Find all the examples of Simple Past in the sentences. T gives one example. - Ask whether it is regular or irregular. - ICQ - Peer check - WGFB - Same instruction for the Past Continuous. - ICQ - Peercheck - WGFB

Focus on meaning (10-13 minutes) • To allow students to get the rules of the grammatical pattern themselves.

- Give the grammar box to SS and PW - Monitor and check whether they are on the track - WGFB - CCQ * "Sam phoned a moment ago." We use the simple past to talk about events, actions or situations which happened in the past. * Did Sam phone us in the past? * Is Sam still phoning us now? * "I was watching TV at 8 o'clock." Past Continuous is used to talk about an action that was in progress at a past point in time. CCQ : * Did I start watching TV at 8 o'clock? * Was I still watching TV at 8 o'clock? * So, was this action in progress at 8 o'clock? "We were having dinner when the phone rang. The phone rang while we were having dinner." Actions which were in progress when something else happened. * Did we start having dinner before the phone rang? * Did we finish having dinner after the phone rang? "He loved me and then he forgot me." We can not use Past Continuous with stative verbs. "People travelled by camels in the past." We can not use Past Cont. with repeated actions of the past. CCQ: * Can we say "I was needing you."? * Which one would be right? : - I sucked my thumb when I was a baby. - I was sucking my thumb when I was a baby.

Focus on form and pronunciation (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the form, usage and pronunciation of Past Continuous

- Substitution drills for practicing form "I was walking with my parents." (Negative) _______________________________ (Dünya) ________________________________ (?) _________________________________ (The students) _________________________________ (Negative) _________________________________ - Say "I was walking with my parents." , "We were having dinner at that time." " She was helping her mum." - Ask : "Is "was/were" strong in positive sttatements? (weak) - Which words are stressed? (verb-ing) - Make them repeat.

Controlled practice of Meaning (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

- GW - You will read about some more answers to the quiz. - Read quickly individually and and find out which question is each speaker answering. - HO - ICQ - 3 minutes - Choose the correct verb form. - AK will be given. - GWFB

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