oumeima hamrouni oumeima hamrouni


Abc practice from the book
Abc projector
Abc cards

Main Aims

  • by the end of the lesson ss will have learned the passive and practised reading and writing using the passive form.
  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about exotic food in the context of food
  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about exotic food in the context of food

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading
  • Writing


stage 1 Speaking (2-3 minutes) • to set the context

Ask the students to lead a discussion about their favorite newspaper or magazine and why do they read them.

stage 2 (6-7 minutes) • to pre-teach vocabulary

Pre-teach the words: Lottery, rob, ink, fined, greeted, boarding through a matching exercise. Ss get two sets of small sheets of paper and match the words to their definitions. T checks the meaning with the whole class and asks CCQs.

stage 3 Reading Task (6-7 minutes) • check that ss have understood and that they are able to match stories to headlines

Assign each group a different story to read. Ask the students to match the story to the suitable headline. check key answer with each group.

going through (MFP) of the passive voice (7-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the passive voice

T takes few sentences from the texts that the ss have alrerady read. T Clarifies the form and elicits the function from the context that the ss are already familiar with. Drill for pronunciation.

stage 3 Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To make ss practise the passive voice and knew when to use it

T gives each group of students a different text to read. T asks the ss to pick each time either the active or the passive form. T provides key answers and answer any qs ss may have.

Stage 4 Freer Practice (9-10 minutes) • Activate ss's productive skil (writing) using the passive voice

T provides each group with a picture. T asks ss to write a short "news story" about it together.

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