Family Members
All Together 2 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of family lexis in the context of family.
To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of family.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of the Simple Present Tense in the context of family.
Procedure (46-65 minutes)
Greetings and Warmup Mingle Activity - Sit in a circle with the students, introduce yourself, include your name, age, nationality. Full sentences. If students are familiar with more sentence structures, you can include those as well. You can use a ball to make this activity a little more appealing to the kinesthetic learners in the class. My name is _____. I am __ years old. I am from ______. Each student gets 30 seconds to a minute to talk about themselves. Before moving on to the presentation of family lexis, in order to concept check prior knowledge, students are asked about their families. The goal is to elicit immediate family members; mother, father, sister, brother. Considering that AT2 level students have already finished MIDI series, they should be able to identify immediate family members.
A Family Members PPT is presented to students, the PPT should include a fictional or real family in order to provide context for the lesson. Four new family members are introduced through a PPT, with choral and individual drilling of each word as: "a daughter" "a son" "an aunt" "an uncle" Flashcard games to practice the target language. (Should not take more than 5 to 10 minutes combined) Followed by the further practice of the vocabulary with full sentences, and flashcards. "This is the daughter." "This is the son." "This is the aunt." "This is the uncle."
MFP (meaning, form, pronunciation) pattern is followed with each word. First, concept checking questions (CCQ) are asked to ensure correct meaning of each word. Second, form is introduced, students are asked to copy the written form. Third, pronunciation, including the phonics and blends, of each word is thoroughly practiced. Teacher draws a family tree on the board, students are asked to identify each family member. Two adjectives are provided for each family member. 'Old, young, male, female' Optional: 'short, tall'
To further concept check, prepare students for the freer practice, and to provide a brief speaking practice students are asked to talk about their families. Teacher should write some questions on the board to encourage SS to speak. 'What's your uncle/aunt's name?' 'Do you have a son/daughter?' 'What's your father/mother/sister/brother/grandmother/grandfather's name?'
To provide students with free practice of the target language, students draw their own family trees, and each student is expected to introduce their family members with simple sentence structures. "This is my ________. S/he is from ________."
-r blends are presented. -br -cr