Pre Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about have to and can. That is based on a reading which about new kind of banking it's followed by filling gaps and an exercise to be completed by students, also there is a listening part to pronounce can and have to, to be found the correct pronunciations. at last, there is an individual practice which students should do and reformulate those sentences according to rules of their countries and compare their answers with each other as speaking activity


Abc Tilbury, A., Clementson, T., Hendra, L.A. & Rea, D. (2012) English Unlimited Pre-Int SsBk Cambridge
Abc Baigent, M., Cavey, C. & Robinson, N. (2010) English Unlimited Pre-Int WkBk Cambridge
Abc Doff, A. & Smith, H. (2012) English Unlimited Pre-Int TsBk Cambridge

Main Aims

  • Grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening (to find out how to pronounce the grammar), Speaking


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • To engage the students to the topic

According to the last lesson, I will clarify the used grammar with happy and sad face to show SS the person who is able to do something is happy it means they can and the person who is obliged to do something is sad somehow because they need to do something out of their control.

Grammar (8-10 minutes) • To inroduce the grammar to the students

Students may know how to use have to, can or can't but for sure by making some examples according to the previous lesson I would clarify the grammar, then Students are going to get involved by solving an exercise about the grammar while they will be paired to find the answer, at last, I ask every paired student to write the answer on the board

Listening & Pronunciation (5-8 minutes) • To calrify how to pronounce and recognise the pronunciation of the language

With modelling, drilling and showing the stress I'm going to teach this part, however, there is a listening part for this that students should recognise the correct pronunciation. Have to /ˈhæf·tu, ˈhæv-, -tə/ Can strong /kæn/ weak /kən/ Can't /kænt/

Writing and speaking (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with challenge of writing

To get the students to change the sentences according to their rule of their own country and discuss that, In this practice there are 8 sentences that should be corrected by students based on the grammar they have learned then I will changed the paired students to discuss and tell the class their own ideas.

Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

There are 3 questions about the last practice and their knowledge, I'm going to make them in some groups or pair them then I will give them 3 different sentences to discuss finally I'm going to regroup SS to talk about different sentences which they haven't spoken so far.

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