Saeid Ashkriz Saeid Ashkriz

discussion essay
advance level


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Main Aims

  • in this lesson students will get to know about an entire structure of a discussion essay and some brief points about an introduction paragraph

Subsidiary Aims

  • students will be introduced to write an introduction paragraph in a discussion essay


review (10-15 minutes) • review the whole structure of an opinion essay

T-S ask SS to tell the whole structure of an opinion essay including introduction,body paragraphs,conclusion. S-S students share their point of views on a subject. T-S ask SS to come to the board and write some useful points about different parts of opinion essay.

introduction of a discussion essay (15-20 minutes) • getting to know different parts a discussion essay

T-S giving SS various topics of a discussion essay in order to have a shape of discussion essays on student's mind. T-S giving clear information about 2 kinds of a discussion essay. T-S introducing the instruction of first type (with opinion) of a discussion essay to SS.

university education (15-20 minutes) • knowing details of writing an introduction paragraph in the first type of a discussion essay.

T-S writing the topic which is about university education on the board. T-S illuminating the instruction for writing an introduction paragraph to the SS T-S exemplifying one case to SS in order to a better perception.

Feedback (10-15 minutes) • receiving some feed back about the lesson

T-S giving a topic to SS and writing it on a board S-S asking SS to work in pairs and write an introduction paragraph to the given topic T-S consider another topic as student's assignment for their next session. T-S review and check SS questions about the lesson.

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