大谷彩子 大谷彩子

Copy of Amean Mohammadi TP6
Beginners A1 level


Throughout this lesson, the students will be introduced to the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso. In this context, they will be guided through the stages of a receptive skills lesson (listening in this case). The lesson starts off by creating interest, walking through predictions, listening for gist, detailed listening tasks, reading to confirm answers as well as a post reading activity to develop their productive skill of speaking.


Abc Detailed listening HO1
Abc Detailed listening HO2
Abc Picture of Pablo Picasso
Abc HO3
Abc Pictures
Abc listening
Abc Detailed listening HO1

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information, detailed and deduction listening practice using a text about Pablo Picasso in the context of people's lives

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of people's lives in addition to a short reading for specific information task


Pre-listening lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To create interest and help the students predict what they will be listening for

T points to the picture of Picasso on the W/B. T elicits his name and writes it on the W/B. T tells the students to get up and look at the pictures of the paintings of Picasso around the room and furthermore to find one that they like the best. (The pictures will have numbers so that the Ss can refer to them. Once the Ss have seen all of the pictures, they will take their seats. T puts them in pairs and asks them to talk about their favorite painting with their partners. Their will be questions on the W/B to guide them in having a meaningful discussion. W/B: What do you like about this painting? Why is it your favorite one? Where would you put it in your house?

Feedback (2-4 minutes) • To share ideas and extract some errors in reporting with subject pronouns

T gets their attention and asks them to say what painting their partner likes the most and why. They will use he/she likes and there might be some hot correction at this point.

Brainstorming and predicting (3-6 minutes) • To give an idea of what they will be listening for and to create further interest

T divides the W/B into to halves and it will read: what you know about Picasso on one side, and what you think you know or you are not sure on the other side. T asks: what do you know about Picasso? As Ss respond, T filters the information by putting it on the appropriate sides. Every student will be encouraged to say something. At this stage, if the students are not responsive, they will be put in pairs to speak more comfortably.

Listening for gist (3-5 minutes) • To help the students understand that they dont have to understanding everything to get the main idea the listening and to make them more familiar with the listening

T tells the Ss that they will listen to man and a women talk about Picasso. T says they don't have to understand every word and they should just listen. T writes on the W/B: listen and tell me if you think they are right or not. ICQ: Do you need to understand every word? (no) ICQ: Will you write? (no)

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To check their understanding of the listening and aid them in helping each other understand

T puts them in pairs and tells them to discuss their answers. T sets 2 minutes for this task. ICQ: how much time do you have? (2 minutes) ICQ: will you write? (no)

listening for specific information (gap filling) (2-3 minutes) • To familiarize students with listening for specificity

T puts an example gap filling question on the W/B. W/B: what ___ ____ know about Picasso? T demonstrates the fact that they have to listen and fill in the gaps. ICQ: will you fill in the gaps (or do to this, pointing at the example) after you listen? (no) T gives HO1.

Feedback (1-3 minutes) • To check and confirm the student's answers

T writes the questions on the W/B with the gaps. T tells 4 of the Ss to come up and fill them in. WC check and confirm.

Detailed listening (3-4 minutes) • To help the students in answering questions as they listen

T draws a table identical to the one they are about to get on the W/B. T tells them they have to listen and answer the questions at the same time. T highlights the key words (when/she/born) on the example he has written on the W/B. T elicits what type of answer they will be looking for. ICQ: will you write after you listen? (no) ICQ will you write when you are listening? (yes) T gives HO2 and gives the students time to read the questions and highlight the key words.

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To check the answers of the task in an interactive way and without being under pressure

T puts them in pairs and tells them to check their answers together. T writes the answers on the W/B (one by one) so that they can be sure as they are checking with their partners.

Reading in comparison to the listening (2-4 minutes) • To integrate the two receptive skills

T tells the students that now, they will read about Picasso's true story. T asks them to find the same information they listened to. ICQ: what will you look for? T elicits: when was he born? when did he die? where did he live? T gives HO3 Early finishers are told to check with their partners.

Feedback (1-2 minutes) • To confirm the answers as a WC

T sais: So? Ss will give out facts. If they do not, T guides them in doing so.

Post reading discussion (5-8 minutes) • To help the students explore the listening topic further and in doing so, practice their productive skill of speaking

T says that the Ss have to be in groups of 3-4. T tells them to talk about other famous people who are now dead. If there is sufficient time, T will group them. If not, T will join the pairs with other pairs. As they are discussing, they will be encouraged to talk about the same type of information they listened to and read about. (T puts the same questions they answered about Picasso on the W/B)

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