Melisa Melisa

A1-A2 level


In this lesson, 2nd grade students will learn and practice beach-related vocabulary as well as learning the use of "There is... there are..." with the help of the video related to the beach. Teacher will evaluate them towards the end of the lesson by using plickers.


Abc Quiz

Main Aims

  • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about what they see in a beach photo for 5 minutes by using related lexis and "There is, there are..." structure.

Subsidiary Aims

Perhaps the most important element of any plan is the part where we say what our aims are.Jeremy Harmer in The Practice of English Language Teaching


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-The teacher shows a picture of a beach and asks students: "What is this?" -After eliciting the word "beach" from the students, she asks them: "What do you see in a beach?" "Is it hot or cold in the beach?" "What do you do when you go to the beach?" etc.

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-Teacher tells students that they are going to watch a video about the beach. -Teacher says: "Watch it carefully, then you will tell me what you see in the video." -Teacher plays the video.

Clarification (6-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

-T asks: "What did you see in the video? Tell me." -Ss tell the words related to the beach. (crab, sunscreen, sunglasses, swimsuit, sandcastle, rock, seashell, octopus, fish etc.) -T asks: "Is there a book? (no, there isn't) "Is there sun?" (yes, there is) "Is there a swimsuit?" (yes, there is) -T writes a question and an affirmative and a negative answer on the board to highlight the structure.

Semi controlled Practice (9-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-Teacher shows ss an example on how to use plickers. -T tells students that they will work in pairs. -Students will decide on the answer in pairs. -T gives plickers to ss. -Opens the quiz on the beach. -Teacher reads the code with the help of her cellphone. -Teacher reflects the answers on board.

Free Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T shows a beach photograph on the smart board. -T asks: "Is there a monster in the beach?" (no, there isn't) -After the example, she changes the pairs and let them ask questions to each other. -Ss speak for 5 minutes in pairs. -T monitors the ss. -T helps them if they ask for help; otherwise, she doesn't intervene in order not to disrupt the fluency.

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