Eda Aslan Eda Aslan

Eda ASLAN / 27.03.2014/ TP3 - Everyday English
Elementary - A2 level


In this lesson, students are going to learn and practice some of the common social expressions that are used by english language speakers in variety of situations, including never mind, sure, good idea etc.


Abc New Headway Student's Book - Elementary
Abc cartoon
Abc New Headway Work Book - Elementary
Abc Some adjectives and their pictures
Abc Paper-cuts
Abc The whiteboard

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for social expressions in the context of daily life. Students will practice expressions for day-to day conversational exchanges.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed and gist listening practice using a text about everyday english in the context of Hakan's day.


STAGE 1 (3-5 minutes) • to generate an interest and encourage students to talk about the pictures

-Teacher focuses attention on the photos ( page:29) , introduces Hakan and asks students some questions about the pictures. * Where is Hakan? * Who are the other people? etc.

STAGE 2 (5-7 minutes) • to focus on some social expressions

- Teacher asks students to look at the fist lines of conversations in A (page:29) individually and write who the speakers are. - Teacher asks students to compare their answers with their partners and relate each of the conversations to the correct picture. - Teacher monitors ,while students are working in pairs. - At the end of the activity teacher submits students the answer key and students check their answers.

STAGE 3 (10-12 minutes) • to build conversations by using the lines .

- Teacher divides the class in groups of three and gives them the lines in exercise 2 and 3 as paper-cuts and a cartoon. - Teacher asks students to match the second lines of the conversations with the lines in exercise 2 and stick the sentences on a cartoon. - Teacher monitors, while the students are working. - Teacher plays the recording (T3.10) and students check their answers. - Teacher models the pronounciation of some expressions and asks students to repeat both chorally and individually. (Drilling)

STAGE 4 (3-5 minutes) • to practice social expressions by matching and listening activity

- Teacher asks students to read sentences and match a line in A with a line in B. ( Workbook, page: 21) - Teacher monitors, while students are working individually. - Teacher asks students the compare their answers with their partners. - Teacher plays the record and students check their answers.

STAGE 5 (5-7 minutes) • to teach some basic adjectives and use them in a daily speech

- Teacher sticks some adjectives and their matching pictures on a wall. - Ask some of the students to match them. - Teacher models the pronounciation of these adjectives and asks students to repeat both chorally and individually. ( Drilling) - Teacher asks students to complete the conversations with an adjective in the box. ( Workbook, page 21). - Teacher provides feedback with whole class

STAGE 6 (7-10 minutes) • to consolidate students understanding of social expressions and provide an opportunity for them to create their own conversations

- Teacher asks two of the students to read the example conversation aloud acroos the class. - Teacher divides the class in groups of two and gives a different picture to each group, and asks them to create a dialog about these pictures by using social expressions. - Teacher plays the recording (T 3.11) and pauses at the end of the each conversation to give students time to compare their version and asks a related group to read their own dialog aloud. - Teacher models the pronounciation of expressions and asks students to drill, if it will be necessary

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