Mila Oktay Mila Oktay

A1 level


In this functional language lesson, through Test-Teach-Test staging SS will learn how to tell the time by completing three (meaning and form clarifying) tasks. Then SS will practise pronunciation (phrase stress and weak form) through listening and drilling. At the last part of the lesson, SS will practise the productive skill speaking through talking about daily routines in controlled and freer practice activities.


Abc HO p.26, ex. 1a
Abc R. 3.5 p.27, ex. 2b
Abc HO p.27, ex. 3
Abc HO p.27, ex. 2a
Abc OHP p.26 ex.1a to WB

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask questions and give answers about the time, recognise and use the different ways of telling the time and talk about daily routines.

Subsidiary Aims

  • SS will practice the productive skill speaking, sub-skills speaking for accuracy, speaking for fluency, and pronunciation


1. Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To introduce the topic and engage the SS

- Draw Fred and Fred's daily routine on the WB - Elicit what Fred does at various hours of the day

2. Matching task (Focus on TL (Ex.1a) (2-4 minutes) • To elicit the meaning of the TL

What's the time now? Look at these clocks (Ex.1) and find out what time it is. How many clocks are there? (Six) Match them with the times. -HO p.26 ex.1a -Monitor -Peer check -FB - OHP p.26 ex.1a to WB, point and elicit answers from WG

3. Focus on TL (Ex.1b) (3-5 minutes) • To show the alternative form of telling the time

-Write time phrases from Ex. 1b on the WB (half past one, twenty past ten, quarter to eight, five to nine, quarter past two) They are a different way to say these times. (HO Ex.1a) How many are these times?(WB) An how many these?(HO) One is missing. Match them together and find the missing one. - Monitor - Peer check - FB - Nominate SS to write the answers on the WB Which one is missing? Why? - Highlight the form

4. Fill in the gaps (Focus on TL Ex.2a) (2-4 minutes) • To show the alternative form of telling the time and provide written practice

Nine fifty-five. How can I say it in a different way? (five to ten) Fill in the blank boxes. Write how we say them in a different way. - HO p.27, ex.2a - Monitor - Peer check Now you will listen and check your answers - Play R.3.5

5. Focus on pronunciation (3-5 minutes) • To show the weak forms of 'to' and 'o', and practice sentence stress when telling the time

- Write on WB phrases 'five to ten' and 'four o'clock'. Elicit the stressed and weak syllables. Now listen again and mark the weak forms on your answers. - Play R.3.5 - Peer check FB - WG - Drill

6. Controlled Practice (Ex. 3) (3-5 minutes) • To practise telling the time

- Draw two clocks named London and New Delhi, showing different times, on the WB - Get one student to be my partner and model the task What's the time in London? Now ask me. - Show the form - 'in' before cities. Continue with your partner. - HO p.27, ex.3 Are these places in Turkey? - Monitor

7. Pre-speaking (Ex.4a) (2-4 minutes) • To elicit vocab and sentences needed for the next task - speaking practice of telling the time through weekday routines

- Write 'weekdays' on the WB Which days are weekdays? Tell me what you do on weekdays. Come to the WB and together make a list of the things you do on weekdays. You have 1 minute. - Monitor

8. Freer Practice (Ex.4b) (4-6 minutes) • To practise speaking about routines using times

- On the WB write 'On weekdays, what time do you....' in front of the routine phrases. Now, ask your partner these questions. On weekdays, what time do you get up? What time do you have breakfast? etc. ICQs: Are you speaking or writing? Are you asking questions about weekdays or weekends? Is Friday a weekday? - Monitor

9. Pre-speaking (2-4 minutes) • To elicit vocab and sentences needed for the next task - speaking practice of telling the time through weekend routines

- Write 'weekends' on the WB Which days are the weekend? What do you do at the weekend? Anything different from the weekdays? - Write phrases on the WB

10. Freer Practice 2 (Ex.4c) (4-6 minutes) • To practise speaking about routines using times

- On the WB write 'At weekends, what time do you....' in front of the routine phrases. Now, ask your partner these questions. At weekends, what time do you get up? What time do you have breakfast? etc. Write down your partner's answers and find out who wakes up first and who goes to sleep last. ICQs: Do you ask questions about the weekends or the weekdays? (weekends) Do you speak or write? (both) - On the WB write 'wakes up first' and ' goes to sleep last' so SS don't forget what their final goal is. - Monitor

11. If time Activity (3-8 minutes) • To practise asking questions about the time

- Divide class into two teams. On the WB write 'What time does....' Work together with your team. Write as many questions as you can. ICQs: Do you write negative sentences or questions? (questions) Do you answer the questions? (no) - Give 1 or 2 minutes Now switch places with the other team and answer as many questions as you can. ICQs: Do you write questions or answers? Do you answer slow or fast?

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