Noxolo White Noxolo White

TP 2
Elementary level


• By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to listen for gist and specific detailed information using a text about daily routines


Abc Ex 1A Hand Out
Abc Ex 1C
Abc Realia
Abc Ex 4B Hand Out
Abc Audio Recording 2,3
Abc Ex 1B Hand Out
Abc Window washer,Hand Out

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about daily routines in the context of high flyers

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide the learners with some practise ofthe pronunciation of the question forms in the context of daily routines


Lead In (2-3 minutes) • to set the context of daily routines and activate Ss pre-existing knowledge

T sets the context by telling Ss what she does every morning: 'So, every morning I wake up at 6:30, take a shower, make breakfast for my family. • T elicits information from the students by asking the following questions. What do you do everyday? What do you do every morning? What do you in the afternoon? What do you do in the evenings? . T holds the Ex 1A picture and ask In a normal day, what do you do first? Elicits information from the Ss. T then gives instructions Work with you partner and put the first thing you do in a day on top and the last thing at the bottom. . Which picture is first A,B,C,G…I T then gives Ss cut up pictures of daily activities and asks them to arrange them according to normal day. From the picture how many doing words can you see? T will elicit the correct order from the Ss. • Feedback: WGFB answer back.

Lexis presentation (3-4 minutes) • to familiarise the Ss with phrase used when talking about daily routines

• T holds Ex 1B hand out and gives instructions to the SS,” With your partner match the phrases with the pictures. • T gives Ss cut up phrases and asks the SS to match them with the pictures. T arranges class with their partners and listens in to check if Ss are on task while the Ss are proceeding with their task • Feedback will be peer checking and WG feedback.

Semi controlled practise (3-4 minutes) • providing Ss opportunities to correctly use the vocabulary

• T: ' With your partner, write in the missing verbs. • Ss works with their partners, T moves around the class and checks if everyone is on Task. Feedback: Ss work in Pairs and check answers posted on the wall.

Pronunciation (4-5 minutes) • To provide the Ss with practise of the question forms

• T writes ‘Do you have breakfast at home? ‘on the whiteboard, demonstrates by drawing the rising intonation pattern and articulation of the question encourages Ss to repeat after her. While drilling T models the pronunciation highlighting the sentence stress, with do you as a weak form /dʊjʊ/and puts stress on the verb. • T drills chorally and nominates a few SS for individual drilling. CCQ= Is it a yes or no question or not? Is the answer yes or no? Is the answer few words. • Furthermore T, chooses Wh questions to show the contrast between the rising intonation of the yes/no questions and the Wh questions falling intonation and contrast it with the Wh-question showing a fall in intonation. ‘Where do you have lunch? And encourages the Ss to repeat after her. • T drills with other Do you or Wh questions. T randomly nominates Ss for individual drilling

Freer Practise (4-5 minutes) • to provide Ss with opportunities to practise the use of falling intnation for yes/no questions and rise and fall intonation for wh-questions

• T: holds exercise 1C and gives instructions' Now work with your partner, one of you will ask question and the other will answer, then you will switch over • T arranges Ss to work in pairs • SS practise to ask questions with the correct intonation patterns for different questions and monitors for correct pronunciation • Feedback: Peer check

Pre-listening (5-6 minutes) • to set the context for the listening activity and activate the Ss background knowledge

T shows Ss Window washer Hand Out and says,’What can you see in this picture” What is he doing? What is his job? Do you think it is a good job? Is it a good/safe/dangerous/ well paid job? • T arranges the class into two groups, by telling SS ,’You’re A ‘ and the next one that that he is B. Thus forming Group A and Group B. T asks all A’s to stand up and come to the front, does the same with B’s. T instructs all A’s to stand up,come to the front and then B’sSS lines up facing each other. T says, You will throw a ball to someone in front of you, while calling out the name of a job. T demonstrates. T writes on the board Group A and B for allocation of points. A group earns a point if they answered correctly. • T will put appropriate items. • T puts laptop, bag, keys, books, watch, camera, sunglasses, toothbrushes on a table and put it in between the groups. • Ss continues with the activity until a learner repeats a job.and T monitors the progress of the activity and keeps the score on the board. The team with the most points wins.

Listening for gist (5-6 minutes) • to provide the Ss practise in listening for gist and improving their listening skills

T says,' Now, you will listen to two people talking about their jobs and with your partner answer the following questions. Do the people like their jobs? Do their families think they are good jobs? T plays recording 2.3 Feedback : Peer check WGFB T elicits the answers from the Ss

Listening for specific information (5-6 minutes) • to provide opportunities for Ss to listen for detailed information

• T: Holds exercise 4B handout and says ' Listen to the audio again. Work with your partner and complete the table telling us the places where Ted and Daniel did their activities. CCQ= Where, is it a place or time? CCQ= When ,is a place or time T then distributes the hand out, gives them a minute to read and plays the recording again. • Ss carries on with the activity and the T monitors to offer guidance. Feedback: Teacher puts up answers on the wall, tells the Ss that answers are put on the wall over there and there.

Post listening (5-6 minutes) • to provide SS opoortunity to freely practise the language used for daily routines.

T tells the learners.' Now, with you partners, you'll talk about what you do everyday and your jobs. "What do you do? 'What time do you wake up in the morning? When do you get home in the evening? Where do you have breakfast? Feedback: Ss discusses their daily routines, while the T monitors for good or bad use of language

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