TP 8 Ahmad Nakar
Pre-intermediate level


Abc HO
Abc Latham-Koenig, C., Oxenden, C. & Seligson, P. (2012) English File PreInt Ss Bk 3rd Edition, OUP
Abc A picture

Main Aims

  • Speaking. To provide practice in a freer speaking activity in the context of an interview with the director of a singing school and a women who did a singing course there

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening. To provide practice in gist listening and detailed listening in the context of an interview with the director of a singing school and a women who did a singing course there.


Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context of the lesson and engage students.

T shows students a picture of a singer, and asks 4 question: Do you like singing? Do you like to be a singer? Why/Why not. When/where do usually listen to music? When do usually sing? T asks students to answer these questions with a partner. T get some answers from students.

prediction (4-6 minutes) • To prepare the studetns for the listening task.

T Gives students ex. 4 b and asks them to read and say "yes" if they think sentences 1-7 are T (True) or F (False). T ask students ICQs Are we going to listen or read? Read Are we working individually or with a friend? With a friend. T gets some answers from students.

Gist Listenign (4-6 minutes) • To encourge students to listen for general understanding.

T plays the audio and ask students to check their prediction in ex 4, b T asks students to compare their answers with a peer. T gives students the answer key.

Listening for detailes (4-6 minutes) • To practice listening for specific information.

T asks students to read ex.4 d in one minute. T asks students to listen and choose the right answer. T asks students to compare their answers with a partner. T gives answer key.

Post-listening (4-6 minutes) • To provide an oppurtunity to personalize the material.

T asks students to ask and answer the questions in 4,e. with a partner. Would you like to learn to sing (better)? Are there any tips from the listening that you could use? T circulate and give immediate feedback or any error correction.

Productive stage (15-20 minutes) • To give students an oppurtunity to give speaking fluency practice on the issue in the listening.

T gives Students HO and ask them to stand up and work with a partner from another table. Students are going to ask each other the following question: When you are happy do sometimes feel like singing. Do you ever sing in the shower ...etc. Students have to ask two people T circulate and help students if they need help. After they finish, T asks students to go back to their places and tell their friends about the people whom they interviewed.

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