Matthew Kasper Matthew Kasper

Social Expressions
A2 level


In this lesson, students will learn and practice social expressions in the context of daily life.


Abc Mingling Prompts
Abc Dry-erase marker(s)
Abc Listening exercises' mp3-files
Abc Realia
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for social interactions in the context of everyday life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about social interactions.


Stage 1 (Lead In) (1-1 minutes) • To introduce the functionality of the phrase

-Ask a few students: "How was your day?" If no one asks me, I then say: "No one asked me." Try again, elicit response from a student. -Say: "Can I open the window. It's really warm in here." Elicit response from students. Open window.

Stage 2 (Lead-in 2) (2-3 minutes) • To acquaint students with the topic's context.

-Read (1) on the handout. Say: "Who is Hakan? Where is he? What is he?" (Oxford, student) -Say: "Is Hakan Turkish? Does he speak English? So, Hakan is bilingual." -Write bilingual on board. "Hakan speaks English and Turkish, so he is bilingual. He speaks two language." CCQ: "I speak English and German. Am I bilingual?" -Look at the first picture. "Who are the people? Where is Hakan? What time of day is it?" Elicit information from students based on picture.

Stage 3 (Lead-in 2 Exercise) (2-3 minutes) • To get students acquainted with topic while working in pairs.

-Say, "Look at picture two and picture three with your partner. Talk about: 'Who is in the photo?' 'Where is the photo?' 'What time of day is it?'" -Monitor while the ss do the exercise.

Stage 4 (Lead-in 2 Exercise 2 Feedback) (1-2 minutes) • To provide feedback for the exercise and practice any difficult lines.

-Nominate pairs to answer the questions concerning the photos. Have class agree on the heading for each photo (likely: Home, School, Cafe), and write them on the board.

Stage 5 (Exercise 2) (3-4 minutes) • To introduce the leads of the adjacent pairs and test to see if students can correlate the functions to their contexts.

-Say, "Match the lines in A to a picture. Which picture goes with each line? Who is saying the line?" -Monitor as they do it, note which are new/difficult.

Stage 6 (Exercise 2 Feedback) (1-3 minutes) • To teach those lines which are new to students.

-Go over/explain the lines that were difficult for students. If one knows, elicit from that student. -Act out lines, model, drill, back-chain.

Stage 7 (Exercise 3) (3-4 minutes) • To test the students' knowledge of the corresponding rejoinders.

-Say, "Match Line A with Line B with your partner." -Monitor, pick up points.

Stage 8 (Exercise 3 Feedback) (3-5 minutes) • To teach those lines which are new to students.

-Go over/explain the rejoinders that were difficult for the students. If one knows, elicit from them. -Act out, model, drill, back-chain. -Listen to the tape and have them check answers with their partners.

Stage 9 (Prompt Practice) (3-5 minutes) • To practice prompts in controlled pairs.

-Have the ss practice the prompts in pairs. -Do an example with one student to show how it's done. -Monitor as they do it. -If they finish early, switch partners.

Stage 10 (Prompt Practice Feedback) (1-2 minutes) • To provide feedback after pair work and highlight any common mistakes.

-Address any problems noticed during monitoring (stress, pronunciation, etc). -Model, drill, back-chain if necessary.

Stage 11 (Mingling with prompts) (2-4 minutes) • To practice prompts in controlled environment without using handout as backup.

-Hand each student a prompt. -Say, "You will come up to the front and say your prompt to another student. They will say the response. Then, go to another student. Speak to everyone." -Monitor.

Stage 12 (Mingling with prompts feedback) (1-2 minutes) • To provide feedback after mingling activity and highlight any common mistakes.

-Address any problems/mistakes noticed during activity. -Model, drill, back-chain as needed.

Stage 13 (Dialogue creation exercise) (3-5 minutes) • To practice prompts in less-controlled pairs.

-Say, "Now, you will create your own dialogues with your partner. I will give some information, and you will continue the dialogue with these facts. You can write some notes, then practice the dialogue with your partner." -Do example with one student. -Tell each pair who/what they are. -Monitor

Stage 14 (Dialogue creation feedback) (1-2 minutes) • To provide feedback after pair work and highlight any common mistakes.

-Address any problems noticed. -Model, drill, back-chain as needed.

Stage 15 (Wrap-up) (1-1 minutes) • To close out the lesson by using what they learned.

-Ask a few students, "Can I close the window. It's cold in here." -"Ok, that's the end of the lesson. Have a good evening!"

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