Farzaneh Amini Farzaneh Amini

Hometown - vocabulary
Beginner - A1 - Face2Face SB level


In this lesson, students learn about HomeTown vocabularies and get familiar with the words related. They will also practice how to define the words and make sentences afterward. Later, they get through a reading passage about Susan's hometown, which is in Bath, England. Students will be able to understand the words in the text and can manage to answer the questions.


Abc Hand out 2
Abc Slide show
Abc Handout 1

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Places in a town or a city in the context of Hometown

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Hometown
  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about living in Bath in the context of Hometown


warmer - Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To set the topic, personalize and generate interest in lesson about hometown

The teacher enters the class and says: "I really miss home" later she will ask the students whether they know where their teacher comes from. At this stage, there will be 2 pictures on the board, from which the words "Hometown" and " famous" will be elicited. - Do some CCQs (According to the Language Analysis) - Do a lot of drilling Asking the students : Do you like your hometown? Why? - Giving WCFB

Present: clarify and focus on TL (5-10 minutes) • To create a smooth flow from lead-in, focus on Meaning,Form and Pronunciation

In this stage, students are introduced to a set of lexis in the context of hometown. It starts with "I like my hometown because it has ....." The pictures will come up and be elicited from the students. Meaning (CCQs)> Form (Part of speech)> Pronunciation approach will be taken into account. Drilling is the key. The teacher does the drilling to make sure the stress pattern sounds correct.

Practice( Controlled Practice) (8-10 minutes) • to provide a focus of accuracy within context of hometown

The students are put into 2 groups. Each group will be given some cards, with words written on them, which the students are not allowed to look at until said so. Students in each group take turns and pick one of the cards that are faced down, and hold it above their head. Their groupmates are supposed to provide them with the meaning of the word in order for him/her to guess what the word is. At the end of the game, each group that collects more cards will be the winner. CCQs after the instruction : Do you look at the cards? no should you say the word or the meaning? yes Delayed correction: Some of the students' mistakes will be written on the board.

Practice (Semi-Controlled) (5-8 minutes) • To consolidate the key concept of the language and focus on the accuracy

- The students will be regrouped. This time, A table will be projected and Students are supposed to come up with any words they have learned and write them in the middle column in one minute. When both groups are done, students take their time and come up with 3 sentences they can make out of those written words on the board. Modeling would be done. eg ( you can see a lot of subways in Istanbul) - Delayed Correction.

Production - Freer practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide an authentic activity in which the TL is activated and personalized, with a focus on fluency

The students are supposed to answer this questions in their groups. Q: Which City in Turkey is the best place to live? why? CCQ: Are you going to talk about Only Istanbul? No Are you going to talk about Turkey? yes Feedback: one student from each group will take the lead. The group leader would be told in advance that she/he is going to report to the class. A delayed correction will be done. Monitoring will be done through the whole procedure.

Reading for gist and Specific information (5-6 minutes) • To provide the students with some general and detailed information in a text about hometown

1- The students will be given a hand out. They are supposed to read the text in 2 minutes and decide : does Susan like Bath? After they are done, The WC FB will be given. 2- Later, The student are supposed to take a look at the sentences and read the text for specific information. They should decide whether the sentences are true or false. After they are done, They should give a reason why the answer is correct or not.

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