Rezvan Ahmadnejad Rezvan Ahmadnejad

B1 level


In this lesson Ss will be taught a grammar (modals of probability- past). First they will work on an audio script as exposure, the next part is language clarification and finally they will be given some controlled and semi controlled and freer practice.


Abc HO3 multiple choice
Abc HO 5
Abc HO1 fill in the gap
Abc HO4 audio Script
Abc slide - WB
Abc picture and prompts

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of modals of probability - past in the context of burglary

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of burglary


Lead-in (7-9 minutes) • To generate interest in the context of reading and introduce the target language via a text

T after greeting projects a slide of to girls and introduces them(Rachel and Christina) and says sth has happened to are going to read about them.and say what do you think has happened? but before you read the text you should do a task. T shows a HO and asks Ss to fill in the can do it in your groups. T gives time.2m ICQs: Are you going to fill in the blanks?yes do you do it alone?no How much time do you have?2m T collects the answers and asks these CQs: dreadful Was it good news or bad news? bad did it cause shock and fear? yes ransack did burglars search the house?yes did they do it in a careless way?yes did they make the house messy?yes T shows HO2 and says this is the conversation between 2 girls but you don't have Christina's dialogue. you should read it and say what has happened. T asks Ss to read the text alone in 3 m. ICQs: are you going to read the text and guess what has happened?yes do you read it alone? yes how much time do you have?3m T monitors. T asks Ss to discuss their answers in groups. T collects answers and reasons.

Clarifying target language (7-9 minutes) • To clarify meaning of target language/model and provide controlled practice of pronunciation and highlight form

meaning: T models these sentences on the board: They must have known no one was at home.. They can't have been stolen. They could have stolen your laptop. T elicits the meaning of these sentences. T asks Ss these Qs: Are they related to the past or present?past mentioning to the first sentence asks these qs: Are you sure about that? yes when you use must do you have enough evidence?yes again T mentions to the second sentence asks qs when you have can't in this sentence it means it was possible or impossible? impossible again T mentions to the third sentence asks Qs when you have could in this sentence it means it was possible or impossible? possible form: T asks Ss to say the part of speech related to the first sentence and models on the board sub+ modal+ have + past participle T does the same for other sentences. T asks these Qs: Can I use has instead of have for she and he? no Can I use simple past instead of past participle?no pronunciation: T asks Ss to read the sentences aloud T elicit the pronunciation and drills it chorally and semi chorally. T highlights the stress parts and connected speech. T uses back chain to make Ss pronounce the sentences correctly. T drills again.

controlled practice (6-7 minutes) • to provide controlled practice of language

T shows a HO to Ss which includes 6 multiple Qs. T says now use the text again and guess the answers T asks ss to do them in pairs T gives time.4m ICQs: are you going to read the text again and answer qs?yes do you do it alone or in pairs? in pairs how much time do you have?4m t hands out the task and monitors. T asks ss to compare the answers with other pairs and discuss. T collects the answers and reasons. T gives Ss a copy of the full conversation to check their answers. T collects the answers and reasons again. T writes the answers on the board

language practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled practice of language

T shows a HO to Ss and asks them to read the sentences take it in turns and respond using the words in brackets. T asks Ss to work in pairs and gives time.(3 m) ICQs: do you read the sentences to your partner?yes Does your partner respond and use the words in brackets?yes how much time do you have?3 T hands out and monitors. T collects the answers and project them on the board as a feedback

language practice (7-8 minutes) • to provide less controlled practice

T shows a HO which includes 4 sentences and some modals and asks Ss to discuss what is the difference between the meaning when we each modals. discuss in your groups. T gives time 5 m T asks ICQs are you going to discuss the meaning of sentences with different modals? yes How much time do you have?5m T monitors T collects the answers and reasons.

freer practice (4-6 minutes) • to provide freer oral practice

T shows Ss a picture of a place (related to a burglary) and a prompt which includes different modals. T asks Ss to say what do you think has happened ? T ask Ss to work in pairs and gives time.(4 m) are you going to talk about this picture?yes are you going to use the modals?yes T hands out the pictures and prompts and monitors. T takes notes of errors. T asks Ss to share their ideas with the class T does error corrections when feedback.

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