Shaghayegh Shamlounia Shaghayegh Shamlounia

Days and Time
A1 level


In this lesson, students learn about the time zones and their differences in different countries and cultures. They would also learn some new vocabulary.


Abc HO 1
Abc HO 3
Abc Copy
Abc HO2
Abc slides

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Days and time in the context of Days and time zones around the world

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of Weekdays in the context of time zones and days


Warmer and lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context about Days and time and engage students

1. Project the picture and ask them what they think about the problem. Engage the students to the topic of Days and dates. Are there any time differences in these pictures? 2. Elicit some answers 3. Project the picture of the questions and ask them to work with their pairs and answer the questions. Are days and weekend different in Turkey? when is the weekend? When do you start working? Work with a partner and answer these questions about time zones and days in your country 4. Use ICQs Do you work with a partner or alone? partner How much time do you have? 2minutes 5. Elicit some answers and get WCFB

Pre-Reading (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. project the questions on the board. Tell them that they need to read the text quickly and just answer these questions fast. They need to work alone in this part of the class. Look at these questions. Try to answer these questions in 5 minutes. Read the text alone. 2. Use ICQs Do you read the text with a partner?(no) Do you read it quickly or slowly? (quickly) Do you have 3 minutes? (5 minutes) 3. Let the students to talk about their answers in pairs. Check your ideas and answers with a partner in 2 minutes. 4. Get WCFB Monitoring would be done throughout the session.

Pre-teaching vocabulary (3-6 minutes) • familiarize the students with the content words of the lesson.

1. Project the slide on the board and ask them to match the words with their meanings by using the pictures. Match these words with their meanings. work with a partner. Use the pictures to help you. 2. Use ICQs Do you match the words with the pictures? (no) Do you use the pictures to match the words? (yes) 3. Set a time limit. You have 2 minutes to do this task. 4. Mark the parts of speech on the board and drill the pronunciations (individually and choral) 5. Use CCQs. Monitoring would be done throughout the session.

While-Reading (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading

1. Ask the students to read the text in details and circle the correct answers. Give the paper of pictures to help them guess the answers more easily. Read the text alone again. Use this paper to help you find the answers. you have 7 minutes to do that. 2. Use ICQs. Do you read the text fast or slowly? (slowly) Do you read it alone or with a partner? (alone) 3. Let them check their answers with a new partner. Please stand up. Find a new partner and check your answers. 3. Get A WCFB for some answers 4. Play the Audio once to check their answers . 5. Write the answers on the board to help them get the correct answers. Monitoring would be done throughout the session.

Post-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To provide the students with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. Ask the students to complete the chart in 4 minutes without looking at the text write the days, countries,and hours under the correct column. Work with a partner. You have 4 minutes. 2. Ask them to come up to the board and complete the chart on the board. They can do it in pairs to save the time. 3. Check the answers on the board. Monitoring would be done throughout the session.

Semi-controlled practice + freer Practice (5-7 minutes) • to give the students an opportunity to talk about the words they have learnt that session.

1. Give students the calendars and ask the to circle the dates on the calendars. Then they need to make sentences from the example given to them on the board. They need to work in groups. 2. Ask students to talk about their favorite day and give a reason for it. 3. Get WCFB Monitoring would be done throughout the session.

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