Souhayel Weslety Souhayel Weslety

How did love begin?
A2-B1 level


In this lesson, which is a continuation of the life experiences one, ss explore another use of the present perfect simple, for past actions that have important results in the present, in the context of a greek mythology about how humans first experienced the sentiment of love and began the search for it. This lesson is to be delivered on Monday February 12th, two days before Saint Valentine's Day, just to give ss a different perspective from which to see the concept of love in general.


Abc Vocab Summary Task
Abc Text-Questions HO
Abc Pic-3
Abc Projector
Abc W/B
Abc Pic-1
Abc Pic-2
Abc Answer Key
Abc Stripes of paper

Main Aims

  • • By the end of this lesson, students will have practiced the use of the present perfect simple to talk about past actions that have important results in the present in the context of a story from Greek mythology.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking by asking and answering questions using the Past Simple and the Present Perfect Simple.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* Greet the ss and draw their attention to Saint Valentine's Day that's coming up this Wednesday. 'Are we excited for this Wednesday?' 'Any one made any plans?' 'Who are you celebrating Saint Valentine with?' 'Do you observe this holiday in your country?' 'Does anyone have an idea about the story behind it?'

Pre-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible by pre-teaching some of the words in the text that may not be familiar.

* Project Pic-1 * 'What is she doing?' Walking 'Do you think she knows where she’s going?' No 'Do you think she has a certain goal, she’s out looking for somebody or somewhere?' No 'What’s another word in English for walking without a goal/objective?' Elicit 'to roam' Concept check: 'When you roam, do you have a specific place to go to?' No * Project Pic-2 * 'What is he doing?' Praying 'Praying for whom?' God 'Do you think he respects God?' Yes 'So how can we put respect and pray in one verb?' 'He ---- God' Elicit 'worship' Concept check: 'So who usually worships God, religious people or not so religious ones?' Religious * Project Pic-3 * 'What can you see?' A man with crutches 'Can he walk without the crutches?' No 'What do you think happened to him?' Accident 'So, the accident made him unable to walk or ---' Elicit 'to cripple' Concept check: 'if someone was crippled, can they walk normally?' No * Project the Vocab Summary Task on W/B * Give ss 2 min to work on it in pairsand whole class feedback. * Instruct ss to write down the definitions.

While-Reading #1 (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

Chest the text HO and tell ss they have 90 seconds to read it and complete only task 1. Check for Instructions: 'Are you going to read quickly or slowly?' quickly 'Are you going to do tasks 1 and 2?' no 'Only task 1?' yes Give out the text handouts Correct as a whole class: 'What's the answer to question 1?' B

While-Reading #2 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

Ss complete task 2 of the questions, check their answers in pairs. Ask ss for the answers as whole class feedback.

Post-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Instruct ss to get in paris or groups of 3 to answer question 1 of the Grammar Analysis part on the back of the page. Check for instructions: 'What question will you answer?' 1 'Are you going to look at question2?' no 'Are you going to work alone?' no, in pairs. Give ss enough time to finish and then project the answers on the board and ask ss: 'Do you have something similar to this?' The exact same procedure is applied with question 2: Ss work in small groups. Project the answers on the board and answer ss' questions.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with a chance to manipulate the form in a meanignful way.

Ss complete task 3 of the Grammar Analysis part of the reading questions and then check their answers in pairs. Monitor carefully and provide immediate feedback either directly or as whole class.

Freer Practice (17-20 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

*Demo Show ss one stripe of paper where I wrote a sentence talking about an event that happened to me in the past that has an important result in my present. Ask ss: 'What tense do you expect me to use?' Present Perfect Simple Read the sentence out loud and instruct ss to ask me questions about my sentence. 'Now you're going to do the same. You will have 3 minutes to write down one sentence using the Present Perfect Simple. Your sentence has to show the important result of a past action in your lives. *Check for instructions 'How many sentences are you going to write?' one 'What tense?' Present Perfect Simple *Give out the stripes of paper *Activity Execution-part 1: 'Now, in pairs, tell each other your sentences and ask each other questions about them' *Activity Execution-part 2: 'Now, stand up please, walk around the classroom, tell each other your sentences and ask each other questions about them' Meanwhile, play background dance music (in English) to motivate ss to move around and also so they wouldn't feel as exposed and actually feel comfortable enough to do the task. Walk around and listen to the ss' questions without correcting because freer practice activities are usually fluency aimed rather than accuracy. *Content and language feedback Provide delayed feedback, both positive and negative, mainly focusing on patterns among ss' trials.

Wrap up (3-4 minutes) • To bring the lesson to an end.

Remind them of the use of the present perfect simple we saw today. Thank them for coming.

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